expat network
Renovation Of Real Estate Abroad

Renovation Of Real Estate Abroad

No doubt, change is the rule of nature. Some changes make your life more accessible and exciting. Although with changing times, grooming of personality is essential as the renovation of your home. When the idea of remodeling your place hits your mind, first hire an experienced remodeling contactor and make sure that he is...

finding an affordable house

Finding An Affordable House When Moving Across The World

If you are moving abroad for the first time it is exciting and is a huge step in your lives. It will teach you several things about yourself and will widen your horizons about various cultures. Many times while moving abroad there are several things you need to take into consideration and this may...

buying property abroad

5 Tips When Buying Property Abroad

Having a retirement home aboard is definitely a dream come true. However, buying a property abroad is complicated and the process involves plenty of risks. The buyer needs to consider a lot of factors such as the size of the property, real estate value, and all the legal documents for international and local requirements. ...

Sell Your Home to Travel the World

Home Sweet Anywhere: Sell Your Home to Travel the World

For most people, their home is their safety blanket hence selling it is not an easy task because it means trading memorable possessions. But when you sell to travel the world, it is as if you are swapping one life for another. This is because you will get to rid...

Setting Up A Home In Dubai

You’re moving to Dubai. The Gulf nation offers so many opportunities for expats. Free income tax, a lucrative career, world-class leisure, amazing lifestyle. What more can you ask for?  By now, you’ve probably signed your employment contract and are now making travel arrangements. While you might feel that it’s easier to look for a...

Move Abroad And Leave Your House Behind

Time To Move Abroad And Leave Your House Behind

Moving abroad can be a cost-intensive exercise that requires you to start over in another country. Before moving you should secure accommodation in your new environment. This arrangement means buying or renting a home abroad.  If you are moving to change your environment, then you should consider selling your house at home to boost...

Buying Overseas Real Estate Property

5 Essential Tips For Investors Buying Overseas Real Estate Property

For people who want to start investing in buying overseas real estate property, asking the right questions and searching for the right answers is a must. The potential benefits of taking this path are boundless, but the risks are also not to be taken lightly. There’s the risk of fraud...

Make a Home Away From Home Abroad

Expat Life: 6 Ways To Make A Home Away From Home Abroad

Whether you are living abroad for good or moving for employment, there will come a time you will feel homesick. After all, you are settling in an unfamiliar place. Your surroundings have changed dramatically, and you feel out of place. Thus, you will feel isolated and will crave the company you are used to. Plus,...

securing your home

The Expat Guide To Securing Your Home Away From Home

Thinking about whether the house you left behind is secured can be disconcerting. More so if you do not have plans to let your property go yet.  To ease your mind, here are six ways you can secure your home while you are away: 1. Get a home monitoring system When improving...

Buying A Property Overseas

7 Essential Things To Consider Before Buying A Property Overseas

Many people who are frequent international travellers either for work, business or leisure have considered buying a house or property abroad.  Tourists and expats, in particular, are fascinated by the breathtaking landscapes, better weather, good food and relaxing garden scenery. Buying a home or a property overseas is very appealing for people who want...

Mortgages For Expats In Dubai

The Dos And Don’ts Of Mortgages For Expats In Dubai

Dubai is an excellent destination for international professionals looking to start a new chapter in their lives.  However, there are many factors to consider when you want to buy a property with a mortgage in this city. From finding the best property to calculating mortgage and finding the best mortgage rates, there are some...

cozy home abroad

How To Make Your Home Abroad Cozy And Tidy

  Moving to another country is probably one of the biggest decisions you can make in your life. It’s no easy task leaving the place you once called home and starting anew, but on the bright side, people can consider this a new beginning and an opportunity to start fresh, and the same goes...