expat network

How Thailand’s Historic Bill Recognizing Marriage Equality Will Affect The Workplace

Thailand has recently passed a historic bill that recognizes marriage equality. This groundbreaking legislation not only has profound implications for the LGBTIQA+ community but also carries significant implications for the workplace. In this article, the experts at Pacific Prime Thailand will explore the key highlights of the bill and examine how its implementation is likely...

How To Start & Invest In A Business In The UK To Gain Permanent Residency

The United Kingdom remains an enticing destination for business owners, investors, and entrepreneurs. This country provides numerous benefits in terms of work, business expansion, investment, healthcare, and education. Individuals from all over the world want to establish themselves in the UK. However, due to complex UK immigration rules and regulations, obtaining UK permanent residency can...

Employee Benefits Trends To Consider In 2024

As an employee, it’s important to look beyond just your salary and consider the benefits offered by your employer. Feeling valued and supported in the workplace is crucial, and companies are continuously improving their employee benefits programs to stay competitive and attract top talent.  In this article, our friends at Pacific Prime will explore the...

8 Techniques For Finding And Hiring Exceptional Talent

Finding and hiring the right talent is one of the most critical tasks for any organization. Your employees are the backbone of the company and the architects of its future. However, with the job market more competitive than ever, businesses are constantly seeking new strategies to attract and retain top-tier professionals. In this comprehensive guide,...

Office Efficiency Hub: Equipping Your Workspace For Effective Organization

In the bustling landscape of modern business, the office is much more than a physical location; it’s the epicenter of productivity. Whether you’re a small business owner, a remote worker, or an office manager, the layout of your workspace can directly impact your ability to complete tasks, think clearly, and innovate. We’ll explore the intricate...


Take These Actionable Steps To Secure Your Franchise Investment

Investing in a franchise can be an exciting opportunity for individuals seeking to enter the world of entrepreneurship with a proven business model. However, it’s essential to approach this endeavor with caution and thorough preparation to ensure a successful and secure investment. Here are actionable steps that you, as a prospective franchisee, can take to...

Singapore Implements Online Criminal Harms Act To Combat Cyber Crimes

Singapore recently implemented the Online Criminal Harms Act (OCHA) to address online criminal activities. OCHA allows for the issuance of directions to online service providers, entities, or individuals when specified criminal offenses occur. In this article, our friends at Pacific Prime CXA will provide a succinct summary of the main provisions of OCHA. Background and...

Workers Compensation

Understanding Workers Compensation: A Guide For Small Business Owners

Running a small business comes with its fair share of risks and responsibilities. Among these responsibilities is ensuring the safety and well-being of your employees. While you may take all necessary precautions to maintain a safe work environment, accidents can still happen. In such instances, having workers compensation in place is essential for both your...

The Entrepreneur’s Guide to International Tax Planning

In today’s global business environment, effective international tax planning is essential for startups aiming for global expansion. An understanding of how to manage your tax liabilities across different jurisdictions could be the difference between an also-ran and a world beater for your fledgling startup: it is your access to overseas markets that stands to benefit,...

Useful Tech Tools Every Business Should Fully Utilize

In the ever-evolving landscape of modern business, staying at the forefront of technological advancements is not just advantageous—it’s essential. Tech tools can automate mundane tasks, optimize operations, and provide invaluable insights into customer behavior. Whether it’s to improve productivity, manage projects effortlessly, or enhance customer engagement, there is a suite of tech tools designed to...

IT Professionals Can Help Expats Expand Their Business

Top Ways IT Professionals Can Help Expats Expand Their Business

Navigating the business landscape as an expat often involves overcoming unique challenges. IT professionals, with their specialized skills and global perspective, play a crucial role in enabling these ambitious individuals to adapt and thrive in new markets. By leveraging cutting-edge technology and innovative strategies, they provide the tools and solutions essential for expats to establish...

business finances

What You Need To Know About Streamlining Your Business Finances

Managing your business finances efficiently is crucial for both the short-term and long-term sustainability of your business. It involves more than just keeping accurate records and balancing business checking accounts; it’s about understanding where your business is financially so you can make informed decisions and plan for growth. Effective financial management includes budgeting, monitoring, controlling,...