expat network

Moving to Australia, Part Five: Learning the Ropes

This step of your move mainly involves learning the practicalities and how to get things done with the minimum of fuss. At the same time you may develop a deeper insight into your new environment. You’ll be getting to know how things work and starting to settle into your new home and routine. Sharon Swift...

Moving to Australia, Part Four: Tackling the Necessities

This step is crucial because, once you have done everything in this phase, you are compliant and will have more of a sense of belonging. These are the registrations, tasks and paperwork that you will have had as long as you can remember back home and perhaps even have taken for granted. Sharon Swift continues...

Moving to Australia, Part Three: Taking Up Residence

You’ve arrived. The weeks and months of planning have passed and you’re living and breathing the checklist. The focus of getting things done will be a welcome distraction. There is a sense of excitement at wanting to explore your new surroundings, although you’re missing home and are feeling a little anxious and scared, having to...

Moving to Australia, Part One: Sizing Up The Move

The prospect of moving to a new country can be exciting and daunting in equal measure. Australia has the benefit of being English speaking with a seemingly similar culture to the UK or USA, but the distance is a huge drawback. Will this hold you back from the opportunity of a lifetime? Sharon Swift shares...

Making The Move To Be An Expat In Spain

Once you have decided to relocate you have to choose from the many removals companies operating between the UK and your destination. You then have to decide between exclusive transportation or a cheaper shared-vehicle option. By Julie Bridge Simon’s move from Leamington Spa to Almeria in Spain used shared transport provided by Matthew James Global...


Moving Your Home Contents

Before beginning to pack make sure that you have thought through what you should take with you. Make a list! It is best to reduce the amount of home contents you take with you, as you may be fitting into something much smaller. First of all, what are you thinking of taking with you? Furniture – You...

Moving To Nigeria – Four Things You Should Know

If you are planning to relocate to Nigeria, make sure you are well informed about different aspects of the country in order to make your transition as smooth as possible. Cigna Global, specialists in expat healthcare, have put together this list of four things you should know to help you prepare before your move to...

Expats’ Love-Affair With China Over?

According to a study by UniGroup Relocation, a global moving company, reported in Global Times, twice as many expats have recently moved out of China than into the country. The study said that reasons for the outflow included expiring work contracts, rising costs of living, air pollution and companies cutting labour costs in the wake...

Key Financial Aspects Of A Move To Spain

Britons moving to Spain need to be sure they have fully considered all the consequences for their wealth as well as for their health. Read more

The Antipodes as a low-tax location

Alongside the sea and sunshine some locations offer great tax breaks to expats. Here we consider Australia and New Zealand. Read more…

Buying A Franchise To Move To The States

One way to get your right to live in the world’s largest economy – the United States of America – is to buy into a franchise. Here’s how… Read more…

Nordic Countries Head List of Job Hotspots

  Norway, Sweden and Denmark are easiest places for workers to relocate, while UAE offers best growth potential for businesses  Nordic countries aim to win the race for global talent by offering the easiest environments for relocation, according to research by professional services consultancy Procorre. But UAE offers the best growth prospects for the businesses...