Working In Australia
Australia has consistently been the top destination of choice for British long-term migrants (i.e. people leaving the UK for longer than one year) for more than two decades, with an average of more than 30,000 heading down under every year. World Bank figures say there were over 1.2 million UK-born citizens resident in Australia as...
Property Options In Australia
When moving to Australia there are several options for where to live and in what type of accommodation. It is often necessary to find temporary accommodation while you decide where you want to live long-term. While you find the solution there are a number of options: Traditional hotels– This can be an option if only needed...
Banking In Australia
It is very useful to have access to a local account on arrival and Australian banks encourage you to open an account before you move to Australia. You can open an account online up to a year before you arrive in Australia. You can deposit funds in the account once opened but will only be...
Choosing A School In Australia
Australia has excellent state and independent schools to choose from. School education in Australia includes preschool, preparatory (or kindergarten), primary school, secondary school (or high school) and senior secondary school (or college). School education in Australia lasts for 13 years, and is compulsory between the ages of six and sixteen (Year 1 to Year 9...
Taking Your Pet To Australia
If you decide to take your pet with you to Australia you will need to comply with the detailed regulations and procedures and some pets cannot be taken to Australia. Cats and dogs can be imported to Australia under strict conditions designed to manage biosecurity risks. For the import conditions applicable to your cat or...
Taking Motor Vehicles To Australia
Taking vehicles to Australia is possible but you should be clear on what is involved and whether it is worthwhile. If you plan to take your vehicle to Australia you will need to be realistic about what is involved and the costs of doing so. The vehicle will need to comply with Australian design and...
Taking Household Goods To Australia
You can find guidance on sending your household goods and personal effects on the Australian Government Department of Home Affairs website. Unaccompanied Personal Effects (UPEs) include your household and personal items, but not motor vehicles or parts, commercial goods or items that have been bequeathed or purchased over the internet. UPEs may arrive in Australia...
Visa Requirements To Enter Australia
You need to have a visa to enter Australia. The exact visa requirements will vary according to the length and purpose of your intended stay. The Australian Department of Home Affairs has a useful Visa Finder which allows you to work out which visa will meet your situation. The main categories of visa are as...
Joining Your Family In Australia
If you have relatives living in Australia there are various visas to allow you to apply to join them, but they are not always easy to obtain. Spouse and fiancée visa If you are married to or in a committed relationship with an Australian citizen or permanent resident you may be able to get a...
Where To Live In Australia
Here we look at where you should live in Australia, looking at the highlights of life in Queensland, New South Wales, Victoria, South Australia, Western Australia and the Northern Territory. Queensland Queensland has extensive coastlines with access to the Great Barrier Reef as well as the outback and rainforests. The Queensland website has a wealth of...
Top 10 Facts About Living In Australia
If you are thinking about moving to Australia here are our 10 top pieces of information for expats: Australia is the most popular destination in the world for UK expats with over 1 million Brits living there. There are also at least 100,000 Americans living in Australia. With 28% of Australian residents born overseas there...
Moving to Australia, Part Six: Exploring and Discovering
An important part of settling in and felling at home is understanding the culture of your new home. This will take time to discover and learn, and it will possibly involve some ‘unlearning’ in the meantime. Adapting to your new environment is key, rather than expecting it to be like home and trying to change...