expat network
Higher Education And Life Career

How Expats Can Prepare Their Children For Higher Education And Life Career

The current situation in the outside world is poor. Therefore, most families in search of a better life go abroad for permanent residence. It may not be difficult for parents to find a job and start living anew, but the children who need to be prepared for education and career choices are the most...

Data Security

Why Expats Should Learn About Data Security

Planning for a new life abroad requires a significant task list, there’s one more item you should tackle: learning about data security. Often, things that you feel comfortable and confident doing from your phone or computer at home may not be as safe to do in your new country. Here are some things to...

Living Abroad In A Post-COVID World

Living Abroad In A Post-COVID World

Confidence high for expats in regions where COVID-19 deaths have remained low.   A survey by Aetna International of expats across multiple markets confirms that three quarters (75%) are set to continue living abroad in a post-COVID world despite the impact of the pandemic.   Out of the countries in which the research was carried...

Home Abroad

Expat Life: How To Make A Home Abroad Feel Like Home

We’ve discovered that one of the most common causes of ‘homesickness’ is being overwhelmed by the sensation of unfamiliarity that surrounds you – particularly in your new home abroad.  Your surroundings have abruptly altered, and you now feel out of place wherever you go. This might lead to feelings of loneliness or isolation as you yearn...

What To Do With Your House Before Moving Abroad

Becoming An Expat: What To Do With Your House Before Moving Abroad

Becoming an expat can be overwhelming at first – you need to get your visa, plan a budget, take out from your savings or even learn a new language. Another thing that comes with becoming an expat is having to leave your house and you will have to make a decision on what to...

expat partner

Wanting To Work As An Expat Partner? Do You Really Want To?

When your partner is offered a career enhancing opportunity abroad and you decide together to take the step, the family will enter a whole new phase in family life.  If you are happy to leave your job behind and look forward to spending more time with the family and building a new life in the...

Moving To A New Country

7 First Things You Should Do When Moving To A New Country

Living in a foreign country is a privilege. You will expand your horizons, familiarize yourself with other cultures and customs, and learn new languages.  However, moving to a new country can be highly stressful and emotional.  There is a buttload of things to do and prepare, and here are some of them. ...

digital nomad

How To Become A Digital Nomad And Find A Remote Job

What is a digital nomad? And could you get paid for relocating? The post-COVID work-from-anywhere culture is opening up huge opportunities for living abroad while working remotely, with some places even paying remote workers to move there. So, could being a digital nomad work for you? We look at how to find a job...

expat partner

The Impact Of Giving Up Your Job To Become An Expat Partner

Not everyone outside the expat community responds positively when you talk about being an expat. Sometimes judgement is apparent; you can be seen as a spoiled, stay-at-home expat partner with no material needs or wants, spending lazy afternoons at the pool-side sipping cocktails with friends. This may or may not have been true many decades...

7 Useful Female Packing Tips For Moving Abroad

Traveling abroad could be for a while or days, but you’ll probably need all your stuff handy. Little things you pack can make your trip experience smooth and save hundreds of bucks on unwanted expenses. However, if certain essential things are left behind, it might cause you a tsunami-sized headache on the trip.  Here...


Missing Home: 7 Tips Expats Can Do To Cope With Homesickness

Living in another country can be exciting. You get to meet new people, immerse in a different culture, and acquire new experiences.  However, this exhilarating feeling may not last for long. When you are settling in another country, it is common to miss home.  There is nothing wrong with homesickness. However, you can do...

The Ups And Downs Of Immigrating: A South African’s Experience

Growing up in beautiful South Africa, surrounded by the sea and mountains, vineyards, delicious food, and incredibly hospitable people, I would never have guessed that I would choose to leave in search of expanding opportunities one day. Nevertheless, here we are, five years later with much experience to impart to those...