expat network
health challenges

The Health Challenges Of The Expatriate Community

No matter where you reside, health should always be a top priority. For some communities, the elusive goal of optimal health is harder than for other populations. Expatriates live outside their native country and could have challenges with a language barrier as well as many other challenges that come from living in a new...

Stay Healthy When Living Abroad

Best Ways To Stay Healthy When Living Abroad

There are many reasons that people choose to leave their homeland to move to another country such as jobs, marriage or simply because they preferred another lifestyle. If becoming an expat is in the near future for you, one of your considerations will be health and fitness. Here are some of the best ways...

retirement to Spain

Organising Your Retirement To Spain

Retirement abroad is increasingly popular with over one million British expats having their pension paid overseas and Spain is by far and away the most popular destination. The visa requirements for Brits have become more onerous now that the UK is no longer a member of the EU, but Spain is sure to remain a popular...

live in Spain

What Must A Foreigner Do To Live In Spain?

There are many foreigners who, attracted for different reasons, decide to emigrate and take up permanent residence in Spain. However, the process is laborious and there is a lot of paperwork  that must be completed before this can be achieved.  There are three fundamental steps that a foreigner wishing to reside in Spain must...

currency risks

Top Tips For Managing Currency Risks When Retiring Abroad

Retiring to a life overseas, comes with many important considerations, not least of all how to manage the exchange and international transfer of your money, be it accumulated savings or ongoing income. Written exclusively for Expat Network by Tom Arnold of Currency Index There are various options open to you in terms of the...

expat home

How to Make Your Expat Home Feel Like Your Own

We’ve learned that being overwhelmed by the sense of unfamiliarity that surrounds you – particularly in your new expat home overseas – is one of the most prevalent causes of ‘homesickness.’ Your surroundings have changed dramatically, and you now feel out of place no matter where you go. As you...

open a restaurant

How To Open A Restaurant In Another Country

If your dream is to open a restaurant, but you haven’t quite found the perfect opportunity to do so, starting one in a new country may be the right option for you. Opening a restaurant in a completely different country is a little more involved than opening one locally, but it can be an incredibly...

Portuguese and Spanish property

Interest In Spanish And Portuguese Property At An All Time High 

New data, released by overseas property portal Kyero.com, reports record increase in traffic with interest in Portuguese and Spanish property at an all time high during 2021.  Kyero has seen rises in the volume of traffic for both countries against volumes in 2020 and against 2019. Kyero, which has over 870,000 European properties listed on...

UK Investments In Spain

Should You Keep Hold Of UK Investments In Spain?

Expatriates often keep UK investments like Premium Bonds, ISAs, savings accounts, shares and bonds, but are they suitable for Spain?  Jason Porter of Blevins Franks explains.   Written by Jason Porter of Blevins Franks However well we have settled into our new lives in Spain, most UK nationals living there...

UK financial advisers

UK Financial Advisers And EU-Resident Clients – 10 Key Questions To Ask

Are you a UK national living in an EU country such as France, Spain, Portugal, Cyprus or Malta? Or are you currently UK resident but planning to move to one of these countries in the next year or so? If the answer to either of these is yes, you should read this article from...

keeping your health in check

3 Tips For Keeping Your Health In Check As An Expat

Living abroad has countless benefits and possibilities: you get to live an adventurous lifestyle and become integrated into cultures very different from your own. But living away from your home country comes with challenges as well, one of which is the difficulty of finding good healthcare options abroad. Here are a few tips to...

inspirational destinations,

13 Inspirational Destinations To Visit When You Retire

For many people, travel is more than a favourite hobby. It’s a yearning to want to go and see amazing new places, understand different cultures and maybe even learn a new language. Unfortunately, family commitments, career aspirations and mortgage obligations often get in the way. Life happens and that trip of a lifetime to...