expat network

Managing Foreign Exchange When Buying Property Overseas

We are pleased to introduce you to Regency FX, our forex and international payments partner.  They are able to assist you in all your requirements for all aspects of managing your foreign exchange risks and international payment requirements.  Here they outline the assistance they can provide when you are buying a property abroad. Regency FX...

health insurance

Health Insurance For British Citizens Living Abroad

It is estimated that as many as one in ten British-born people live outside the UK and around 400,000 people a year have emigrated from Britain for the past ten years.  Whatever the reason for moving abroad access to healthcare and health insurance is a priority. This article was written for...

new to investing

New To Investing? Here’s What You Need To Know

Are you new to investing and feeling overwhelmed by how much there is to learn before you can get started? You’re not alone! Investing can seem challenging in the beginning, but with the right knowledge and strategy, it doesn’t have to stay that way. In this blog post, we’ll look at some key points every...

road trip

Make Miles Count: Essential Tips For An Unforgettable Road Trip

Are you itching to hit the open road on an adventure of a lifetime? Road trips offer freedom and flexibility, allowing travellers to chart their own course across scenic landscapes with lasting memories.  But how can you maximise the kilometres you travel? Making wise choices along the way will help you have a good time...

expat identity

The Expat Identity: Finding Your Own Path

Venturing into new lands, embracing unfamiliar cultures, and adapting to diverse work and lifestyles – the life of an expat is an intriguing blend of challenge and excitement. But while this unique journey brings immense personal growth and global perspectives, it also beckons to a question of identity. Who are you in this new space,...

Safe Vehicle Shipping

Master The Art Of Safe Vehicle Shipping: 8 Insider Tips For A Stress-Free Journey

Are you looking to ship a car, truck, motorcycle, or other vehicle? It’s an exciting time that can be filled with stress and worry. After all, it’s not every day you entrust your prized possession to the care of strangers. But don’t worry – with some helpful tips and tricks from experts in the field....

hiking and fishing

Why Hiking And Fishing Are Must-Try Activities For Every Expat

The experience of living in a foreign country can be exhilarating yet daunting for expatriates. It offers a unique chance to immerse oneself in a new culture and way of life. However, it also comes with challenges like homesickness, language barriers, and cultural adjustments. One of the best ways to sooth these feelings and embrace...

What Should You Take With You When You Relocate – and What Should You Leave Behind?

Whether you are making a trip across town, or heading towards a new life with a trip across the world, you are faced with a massive problem… what exactly are you supposed to take with you, and what do you want to leave behind? It can be a much harder choice than many people think,...

nhs expats

What Happens To NHS If Expats Return to UK?

The NHS could face a bill of almost half a billion pounds if retired British people currently living in other EU countries decide to return to the UK in the event that their right to healthcare in those countries is withdrawn after Brexit. This figure could be substantially higher if the NHS has to pay...

Comparing Quotes From Moving Companies

Make sure you get quotes from three potential removal companies. Then you will need to evaluate them and make a choice. Price will clearly be a factor, but you should decide what is important to you and ensure that you take these into account and avoid choosing the cheapest and then incur more cost down...

expats can benefit from self-storage

How Expats Can Benefit From Self-Storage

People frequently encounter various difficulties when they relocate to a new nation for employment, education, or other reasons. Discovering a location to keep their possessions is one of the biggest obstacles. Storage presents specific difficulties for expats in particular. Making a long-term rental commitment may be challenging since you may not be certain how long...

Relocating To New Zealand

5 Things To Consider Before Relocating To New Zealand

In a world in which there is greater mobility, and more opportunities to work remotely than ever before, being able to live in a location where you can achieve a better work/life balance naturally has great appeal.  For a growing number of people, there are now modes of working that essentially make it possible...