expat network

Moving to Canada – What You Need to Know

Moving to Canada

So, you are moving to Canada!

Whether you are emigrating, taking a short term assignment or joining family in Canada we have put together the information you will need to make your move a smooth one.

Health Insurance For Expats

Health Insurance For Expats Doesn’t Have To Be Daunting

    If you’re moving abroad, there’s a lot to think about. It can be a stressful process and one that requires a lot of time and energy – and that’s before you even arrive in your new country. Arranging healthcare might seem like another daunting task, but it doesn’t have to be.    …

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Healthy Lifestyle

5 Tips For Expats To Maintain A Healthy Lifestyle

  Leaving your country to live in another one is a childhood dream for many. But when we actually shift to another country we realize what a challenge it is. Moving to a new country can open better opportunities for us and helps us grow bigger in terms of our professional capacity but living as…

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Fitness Tips For Expats

7 Fitness Tips For Expats In A New Country

  Moving to a new country is a challenging task. It means starting a new chapter in your life, changing your environment as well as your habits. While it’s a great way to broaden your views and explore new cultures, it also presents unique challenges. Everything is new and exciting, but also stressful. Additionally, you…

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expat partner

Wanting To Work As An Expat Partner? Do You Really Want To?

When your partner is offered a career enhancing opportunity abroad and you decide together to take the step, the family will enter a whole new phase in family life.  If you are happy to leave your job behind and look forward to spending more time with the family and building a new life in the…

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Learn French

10 Reasons To Learn French

Let’s face it, anyone who tells you that learning French is an essential part of the changing global landscape is either French themself, or trying to sell you something. That doesn’t mean that speaking “la langue française” isn’t cool, cultured and a hell of a party trick however. With French in your arsenal, you’ll certainly…

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expat partner

The Impact Of Giving Up Your Job To Become An Expat Partner

Not everyone outside the expat community responds positively when you talk about being an expat. Sometimes judgement is apparent; you can be seen as a spoiled, stay-at-home expat partner with no material needs or wants, spending lazy afternoons at the pool-side sipping cocktails with friends. This may or may not have been true many decades…

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Make Canada Your Second Home

7 Compelling Reasons To Make Canada Your Second Home

  Canada is known for its welcoming immigration policy and as a wonderful place to live. But did you know that it also offers a Canada residency by investment opportunity? This allows overseas investors to make the country their second home and offers a plethora of personal and business benefits.       Read on…

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Healthy Lifestyle as an Expat

How To Maintain A Healthy Lifestyle As An Expat

  Being an expat is both a challenge and a great experience. People who have been living abroad for many years have experienced countless adventures and have faced every opportunity for a better life. While these are just some of the positive impacts of living in another country, there are still considerations to reflect upon,…

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stress of moving abroad

5 Tips For Dealing With The Stress Of Moving Abroad

It is easy to get the travel bug when everyone on social media posts photos of fantastic vacation spots. The idea of moving abroad and living as a nomad, moving from one country to the following sounds exciting and utterly glamorous. Still, when it comes to actually taking the step and moving away from your…

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moving overseas with a pet

7 Things You Should Know About Moving Overseas With A Pet

  Moving overseas with a pet is an arduous task that requires a lot of forethought and planning. Most travelers leave their pet to a care facility to avoid all the hassles and loads of paperwork associated with bringing a pet abroad. However, parting ways can be a hard choice for people having a deep…

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