expat network

How E-Commerce Is Perfect For Expatriates

There you are in the shade of your favorite palm tree, sipping a flavorful drink with a little umbrella in it and thinking to yourself, “For just a little more money I could hire somebody to refresh my drink without having to get out of my hammock.” The expatriate life is great and, in...

officeless company

Six Tips From A Successful Officeless Company

Due to the COVID situation, remote work has become the new business norm. Will anyone even remember in a couple of years’ time that things weren’t always as they are now? Some companies, however, had adopted a remote working style long before the pandemic. Written exclusively for Expat Network by Alconost...

Starting A Business Overseas

7 Actionable Tips For Starting A Business Overseas

If you plan on moving abroad and starting a business overseas, there are certain things you should consider before entering the plane. While setting up a business overseas is one of the best ways to settle abroad, it comes with many challenges that can make your endeavor a living nightmare. The...

zoom towns

Zoom Towns – The Countries And States That Will Pay You To Move There

No, we’re not making this up – there really are states, cities, and entire countries that will pay you to move there. In some cases, they are offering expatriates and digital nomads start-up grants to encourage more entrepreneurs into the area. Others are offering various financial incentives if you can bring a property back...

Attract International Customers

How To Attract International Customers For Your Expat Business

From the moment a person or group of people begin a business, every effort that is put into that business is done for the growth of the business.  Once a business has been accepted into the market throughout a country a business owner begins to think of ways to expand the business to the...

Starting Up A Business Abroad

Tips When Starting Up A Business Abroad

If you’re an entrepreneur with an interest in starting an international business, you will have to research the process of launching your business in another country. This involves gaining an understanding of the country in which you want to operate, including how their political structure will affect your ability to do business. ...

digital nomad

How To Become A Digital Nomad And Find A Remote Job

What is a digital nomad? And could you get paid for relocating? The post-COVID work-from-anywhere culture is opening up huge opportunities for living abroad while working remotely, with some places even paying remote workers to move there. So, could being a digital nomad work for you? We look at how to find a job...

Remote Work While Travelling

 The Challenges of Remote Work While Travelling

One of the key benefits of remote work is the ability to work while you travel. However, this has its challenges, especially for those who offer virtual assistant services. Today, we’ll look at some of the issues that remote traveling workers face and explain how to overcome them. To learn more about this, proceed...

the best cities in the world for expat businesses.

The Five Best Cities In The World For Expat Businesses

Many people dream of travelling to or living permanently in another country where they feel they could live the life they aspire to. The problem most of these dreamers have is the fact that they may not be able to secure a suitable job to sustain their lives there.   However, one option is to...

Raise Funding for Overseas Business

How Expats Can Raise Funding For Their Overseas Business

These days, aspiring entrepreneurs are no longer limited to their location. They can start their business overseas. Thus, they can reach the global market with less hassle.  The only caveat is that local laws can restrict you. Plus, starting a business overseas can be expensive. If you are one of those aspiring global entrepreneurs,...

starting a business while moving abroad

Starting A Business When Moving Abroad

Starting a new business is already challenging enough as it is, but when you are planning starting a business when moving abroad, well, that’s an entirely different thing altogether. There are a lot of things that you must consider. From that nation’s culture to the contrast of their laws. Tip 1:...


Coworking And Coliving – For Remote Workers And Digital Nomads

Remote working can give the freedom to work anywhere leading to the growth in digital nomads, but takes away the communal element of the traditional office.  Coworking in shared offices is a practical option and coliving takes it to the next level where you live and work in an environment with others looking for...