expat network
Healthy Lifestyle as an Expat

How To Maintain A Healthy Lifestyle As An Expat

Being an expat is both a challenge and a great experience. People who have been living abroad for many years have experienced countless adventures and have faced every opportunity for a better life. While these are just some of the positive impacts of living in another country, there are still considerations to reflect upon,...

stress of moving abroad

5 Tips For Dealing With The Stress Of Moving Abroad

It is easy to get the travel bug when everyone on social media posts photos of fantastic vacation spots. The idea of moving abroad and living as a nomad, moving from one country to the following sounds exciting and utterly glamorous. Still, when it comes to actually taking the step and moving away from your...

moving overseas with a pet

7 Things You Should Know About Moving Overseas With A Pet

Moving overseas with a pet is an arduous task that requires a lot of forethought and planning. Most travelers leave their pet to a care facility to avoid all the hassles and loads of paperwork associated with bringing a pet abroad. However, parting ways can be a hard choice for people having a deep...

Retire abroad

Tips For Those That Want To Retire Abroad

Retiring might sound like an amazing idea as you go to work every day. Yet, once the reality kicks in, you may wonder how to keep busy during retirement. One answer to enhancing this golden period of your life could be to move abroad and live a life in the sun. How easy it...

Move Abroad And Leave Your House Behind

Time To Move Abroad And Leave Your House Behind

Moving abroad can be a cost-intensive exercise that requires you to start over in another country. Before moving you should secure accommodation in your new environment. This arrangement means buying or renting a home abroad.  If you are moving to change your environment, then you should consider selling your house at home to boost...

Video Interview

How To Nail The Video Interview

Technology and connectivity are a gift to the modern day expat, presenting them with a way of communicating globally – regardless of their geographical location. And, with video interviews now being carried out by almost 80% of employers thanks to the pandemic and implementation of lockdown restrictions, global job seekers now have more opportunity than...

Stress-Free Family Move Overseas

8 Essential Tips For A Stress-Free Family Move Overseas

You may have landed a job abroad, and you just want to settle in a different place. Regardless, moving overseas is a significant decision. That said, you should keep these tips in mind to ensure a stress-free family move overseas: 1. Check for Repairs When settling into a new home, especially overseas,...

Parenting Styles From Around The World

Parenting Styles From Around The World

Parenting styles often come under scrutiny in modern cultures. There are many different resources and methods for every element of parenting, from toilet training to schooling, making it difficult to know the best way to bring up your little one. Plus, with plenty of well-meaning (and some more critical) people waiting to give their opinion...

Financial Tips For Volunteers In Australia

5 Financial Tips For Volunteers In Australia To Achieve Financial Stability

Over the years, volunteering, working, and even living abroad has become more affordable and rewarding for people around the world. While it used to be notoriously expensive to relocate to another country and settle there, nowadays you can choose volunteering as a great way to explore a new country in an affordable way. Most importantly,...

online homeschooling

Online Homeschooling vs International Schools

More parents and children than ever before have discovered the benefits of online homeschooling. The once obligatory international school is increasingly being dropped by parents for a more modern and convenient option.  Although international schools are one option, these days online homeschooling is rapidly becoming the most popular choice. If ensuring an outstanding British education overseas...

securing your home

The Expat Guide To Securing Your Home Away From Home

Thinking about whether the house you left behind is secured can be disconcerting. More so if you do not have plans to let your property go yet.  To ease your mind, here are six ways you can secure your home while you are away: 1. Get a home monitoring system When improving...

Key Trends Shaping Health Insurance Costs

What Are The Key Trends Shaping Health Insurance Costs Around The World?

While the cost of health insurance changes every year, the changes are even more dramatic as of late due to the latest COVID-19 pandemic. Some of the factors that health insurers use to calculate the price of international health insurance premiums include medical inflation, healthcare utilization, and cost of prescriptions, to name a few. ...