What Are The Benefits Of Offshore Banking For Expats?
It is true that offshore banking has sometimes been associated with tax avoidance schemes which give it a bad name. However, offshore banking for expats can have many benefits, even if there are no tax savings. Expats by definition work away from their home country and will therefore tend to earn in one currency whilst...
Personal Finance In Portugal
There are many financial issues that face those who are looking to move to Portugal. Many of these issues can be dealt with easily, provided you take advice from an expert in both Portuguese tax and tax law in your home country. Something that can save you tax in at home can have the opposite...
Personal Finance Issues For Expats In France
France has a reputation as a high tax jurisdiction and while President Hollande was in power, some wealthy French nationals chose to move to the UK and Portugal, enticed by their fiscal sweeteners. But France can be a tax efficient place to live for retirees, providing you understand the tax implications of your specific situation...
Establishing Credit On Arrival In America
Establishing credit on arrival in America is vital. The lack of a credit score has implications in many areas as it restricts your ability to set up phone contracts, rent a property, sign up utilities, obtain a credit card and many more key taks when arriving in the US to live. Creditworthiness does not easily cross...
Expats: Consider The Basics Of Wealth Management
In managing your money you may wish first to consider your residence and tax situation before looking at the principles of investing. By Iain Yule First of all – where are you resident? If you are British, make sure you are truly UK non-resident, meaning you do not have to pay UK income tax (and...
Do You Need An Offshore Bank Account?
The answer is, you may not. But Iain Yule reckons that most British expats will at some stage, if not throughout their time abroad, find offshore banking useful in a number of ways. First and foremost is the potentially huge tax saving you can make by placing your savings offshore. To take the example of...
Should I Bank Offshore?
I want to set up an offshore bank account as I have been an expat for many years and have been told this would be a good place to keep my savings. Can you help? Stuart Ritchie, Chartered Financial Planner & Chartered Wealth Manager with expat financial advisers AES International, answered this question. I believe...
Expats: Get Independent Financial Advice
Many expats may not be confident making their own financial decisions, especially as there are important residence and tax factors to consider. So you may want to turn to a financial adviser with experience of dealing with expats to guide you through the options for your money, writes Iain Yule. If you have British...
Keeping Offshore Money A Crime?
Is it true that the UK might want to prosecute those with money held offshore? You are right that new rules in the UK will make it easier to prosecute offshore tax evaders. The government is consulting on plans to introduce a new strict liability criminal offence for individuals who hide their money offshore. Under...