expat network

What Should You Take With You When You Relocate – and What Should You Leave Behind?

Whether you are making a trip across town, or heading towards a new life with a trip across the world, you are faced with a massive problem… what exactly are you supposed to take with you, and what do you want to leave behind? It can be a much harder choice than many people think,...

Olympic investment

How To Win Gold With An Olympic Investment Ahead Of Paris 2024

With Paris 2024 set to be the biggest sporting event ever organised in France, millions of people from all over the world will flock to the capital to take part and thrill to a fortnight of sport. Plans are already underway to regenerate the area, making it a golden opportunity for homeowners and property...

Customs Requirements For Entry To France

Household and personal goods may be shipped into France from another European Union (EU) country without customs formalities, although an inventory must be presented. A non-EU resident planning on moving to France is also allowed furniture and personal effects free of duty, provided the items have be owned and used for at least six months...

health guidelines for France

Health Guidelines For France

Healthcare in France has a reputation for being high quality. The public health system is made up of a network of public and private services from doctors, hospitals, and specialist providers. State healthcare in France is not free. Healthcare costs are covered by both the state and through patient co-payments. Here we set out how...

nhs expats

What Happens To NHS If Expats Return to UK?

The NHS could face a bill of almost half a billion pounds if retired British people currently living in other EU countries decide to return to the UK in the event that their right to healthcare in those countries is withdrawn after Brexit. This figure could be substantially higher if the NHS has to pay...

Comparing Quotes From Moving Companies

Make sure you get quotes from three potential removal companies. Then you will need to evaluate them and make a choice. Price will clearly be a factor, but you should decide what is important to you and ensure that you take these into account and avoid choosing the cheapest and then incur more cost down...

renting in france

Renting In France: 5 Things To Keep In Mind

Maybe it has always been your dream, the streets of Paris, the romantic vibes of the Côte d’Azur, its incredible wine and cheese delights, or anything edible really, maybe it’s just a case of a temporary work relocation to the land of love. Written exclusively for Expat Network by Nestpick In France, locals queue...

buying property

Renting Or Buying Property In France

For many the idea of moving to France is to buy an old farmhouse deep in the country to renovate and settle into a rural lifestyle. For others it is the attractions of the cosmopolitan life in Paris. With prices in Paris it is generally more practical to rent rather than buy, but buying is...

expats can benefit from self-storage

How Expats Can Benefit From Self-Storage

People frequently encounter various difficulties when they relocate to a new nation for employment, education, or other reasons. Discovering a location to keep their possessions is one of the biggest obstacles. Storage presents specific difficulties for expats in particular. Making a long-term rental commitment may be challenging since you may not be certain how long...

young Brits looking for overseas property

Cost Of Living Crisis Prompts Increase In Young Brits Looking For Property Abroad 

New data has shown a 31% increase in young British people (aged 18-24) looking for overseas property in Europe in the last three months of 2022 vs the same period in 2021, as the cost of living crisis in the UK, combined with growing unaffordability of UK housing appears to be prompting more young people...

LinkedIn profile for an international move.

Preparing Your LinkedIn Profile For An International Move

LinkedIn is one of the most important sources of new roles today. When moving abroad it is important to ensure your LinkedIn profile gives the right message. This infographic from Hansen & Company gives top tips on preparing your LinkedIn profile for an international move.

studying abroad

Studying Abroad? Follow These 7 Tips For An Easier Student Life

If you’re considering studying abroad, congratulations! It’s an amazing experience that will stay with you for the rest of your life. But before you pack your bags and catch a plane, there are a few things you should know to make your student life overseas a little easier. Follow these seven tips and you’ll be...