expat network
Giving Birth In Australia

Giving Birth In Australia: Maternity Hacks For Expecting Expats

Pregnancy and giving birth are one of the truest life-defining moments for those who are looking to become mothers.  Moving to a country like Australia requires a lot of courage and determination, mainly if you’re planning to stay there for longer and also give birth one day.  Here are some maternity (and other) hacks...

health challenges

The Health Challenges Of The Expatriate Community

No matter where you reside, health should always be a top priority. For some communities, the elusive goal of optimal health is harder than for other populations. Expatriates live outside their native country and could have challenges with a language barrier as well as many other challenges that come from living in a new...

Stay Healthy When Living Abroad

Best Ways To Stay Healthy When Living Abroad

There are many reasons that people choose to leave their homeland to move to another country such as jobs, marriage or simply because they preferred another lifestyle. If becoming an expat is in the near future for you, one of your considerations will be health and fitness. Here are some of the best ways...

keeping your health in check

3 Tips For Keeping Your Health In Check As An Expat

Living abroad has countless benefits and possibilities: you get to live an adventurous lifestyle and become integrated into cultures very different from your own. But living away from your home country comes with challenges as well, one of which is the difficulty of finding good healthcare options abroad. Here are a few tips to...


9 Little Known Factors That Affect Your Health

Many factors have an impact on our health, such as what we eat, how we sleep and our habits and hobbies. While lifestyle choices and genetics play a large role in our health, our social and physical environments can also impact our wellness. In this article, we’ll discuss the lesser-known determinants...

separation anxiety

Separation Anxiety: Dealing With A Common Expat Problem

It’s normal for expatriates to feel homesick from time to time. But what happens when longing for familiar faces and places becomes the worry and distress of separation anxiety? An increasing number of expats struggle with the condition that detracts from the experience of living and working abroad. Thankfully, there are ways to deal with...

gut healthy

How Can Expats Remain Gut Healthy in A New Country?

Moving to a different country is a very big change, which requires a great adaptation. Expats must not only adapt to a new place and culture but their gastrointestinal system must, too. The bacteria that live in the gut, known as microbiota, also have to deal with changes in diet, lifestyle, and other important...

Stay Healthy While Living Abroad

6 Tips To Stay Healthy While Living Abroad

Expat life opens the door to a plethora of fresh adventures and exploration chances. It’s easy to overlook your health while relocating to your new home country and focusing solely on the present. Here we look at what you can do to ensure you stay healthy while living abroad. Learning about...

Health Insurance For Expats

Health Insurance For Expats Doesn’t Have To Be Daunting

If you’re moving abroad, there’s a lot to think about. It can be a stressful process and one that requires a lot of time and energy – and that’s before you even arrive in your new country. Arranging healthcare might seem like another daunting task, but it doesn’t have to be. ...

Healthy Lifestyle

5 Tips For Expats To Maintain A Healthy Lifestyle

Leaving your country to live in another one is a childhood dream for many. But when we actually shift to another country we realize what a challenge it is. Moving to a new country can open better opportunities for us and helps us grow bigger in terms of our professional capacity but living as...

Fitness Tips For Expats

7 Fitness Tips For Expats In A New Country

Moving to a new country is a challenging task. It means starting a new chapter in your life, changing your environment as well as your habits. While it’s a great way to broaden your views and explore new cultures, it also presents unique challenges. Everything is new and exciting, but also stressful. Additionally, you...

Expats’ Mental Health

Research Study: How Has COVID-19 Affected Expats’ Mental Health?

For mental health awareness week 2021, William Russell surveyed over 1,100 expatriates in five countries to reveal some worrying stats about expat mental health.  Expat Network is publishing the results here from an article originally published by William Russell. Written by Inez Cooper, Co-Founder & Managing Director, William Russell The...