expat network

Driving In Australia

The car is a key part of life in Australia if you are getting out of the cities to enjoy the coast, the bush and the many other joys of life in Australia.  The rules are different in each state and territory. Driving Licence The regulations for driving in Australia are set by the individual...

banking in australia

Banking In Australia

It is very useful to have access to a local account on arrival and Australian banks encourage you to open an account before you move to Australia.  You can open an account online up to a year before you arrive in Australia.  You can deposit funds in the account once opened but will only be...

Tax To Be Paid Twice On Overseas Earnings?

I left the UK for India on 5 March 2017 to work on a two-year contract. My salary is paid into an Indian bank account in rupees and I transfer funds back to the UK. I am thinking of returning to the UK early in December 2017, but I fear I may be taxed in...

Preparing For A Skype Or Telephone Interview

As more and more companies now use Skype or telephone interviews during their recruitment process, it’s likely that at some stage you will receive this invitation. By CV Knowhow Senior CV Consultant – Jen David While the normal rules of interview preparation still apply, you should also bear the following points in mind. Make sure...

Sponsored: 10% Discount On Wide Range Of Insurance

Silversurfers.com has the largest community of over 50s in the UK and that’s why they are able to offer a special discount to Expat Network members. So whether you’re over 50 or not, this might be right for your parents, aunts, uncles, granny or grandad. Take a moment to check out the Silversurfers insurance...

Expats And Their Families Missing Support Network

New research by AXA’s international health insurance specialist has found that expats and their children are finding it difficult to be away from close friends and family. Two-fifths of expats and 32 per cent of their children cited that being away from their support network was one of the most difficult aspects of their transition...

Moving to Australia, Part Six: Exploring and Discovering

An important part of settling in and felling at home is understanding the culture of your new home. This will take time to discover and learn, and it will possibly involve some ‘unlearning’ in the meantime. Adapting to your new environment is key, rather than expecting it to be like home and trying to change...

Moving to Australia, Part Five: Learning the Ropes

This step of your move mainly involves learning the practicalities and how to get things done with the minimum of fuss. At the same time you may develop a deeper insight into your new environment. You’ll be getting to know how things work and starting to settle into your new home and routine. Sharon Swift...

Moving to Australia, Part Four: Tackling the Necessities

This step is crucial because, once you have done everything in this phase, you are compliant and will have more of a sense of belonging. These are the registrations, tasks and paperwork that you will have had as long as you can remember back home and perhaps even have taken for granted. Sharon Swift continues...

Moving to Australia, Part Two: Embarking On The Move

Any substantial journey involves planning and paperwork. An international relocation is infinitely more complex than a domestic move. I would suggest treating the move like any large project. You will ultimately need a list of actions, each allocated to a responsible party, with an expected timeline for each task. Sharon Swift shares her experience of...

Temporary Accommodation

When moving to a new country it is important to understand your options – where you are going to be living and in what type of accommodation. While you find the solution there are a number of options: Traditional hotels – This can be an option if the transitional period is going to be short. ...

Need For Construction Workers Keeps Building in Australia

Expat builders looking for a chance to start a new life in Australia should pack their bags, because the number of opportunities opening up in the construction industry continues to grow, writes Fiona Mayers. Recent figures from the building and construction survey, carried out by Master Builders Australia, have confirmed that the construction industry is...