expat network
showcase your apartment

How to Best Showcase Your Apartment to Quickly Attract Renters

When you have a vacant apartment, it costs you money every day it sits unoccupied. That is why it is so important to decrease that time between paying tenants to the bare minimum. Rightfully you may wonder how you can market your property during difficult economic times and a crisis like COVID-19? Written exclusively for...


A Guide To Record-Keeping And Expenses For The Self-Employed

If you’re new to self-employment, record-keeping might sound like hard work – even for those who have been filing for years it can be daunting. While that may be true, it does come with its own reward – namely, that sole traders can claim back allowable expenses and pay less tax on their earnings. Written...

currency exposure

5 Tips For Managing Your Currency Exposure As An Expat…

Managing exchange rate risk and transferring funds internationally are a part of life for expats and making sure that you do this effectively can make a significant difference to the cost of covering regular expenses and major purchases.  Currency Index, the expert currency consultants, set out their top tips for managing your exchange rate exposure...


Moving Countries Post-Lockdown: What You Need to Know

Every year, thousands of Brits move abroad to seek a better life, better opportunities or simply to experience new cultures. In fact, it’s estimated that between 1 and 2.2 million currently live in the EU, and many hundreds of thousands live further afield in countries like Australia, Canada and New Zealand. Written exclusively for Expat...

properties in spain

Top Tips When Viewing Properties In Spain

When planning your move to Spain there comes a time when you want to visit your chosen area to view available properties.  This is an important opportunity and it is important to ensure that you are ready and that you have done all that you can to ensure that it is an effective trip. ...

expat lenders

Expat Lenders Keep Expat Mortgage Deal Flowing During COVID-19

Just one month after the UK government effectively put large parts of the UK property market into a form of hibernation, evidence is emerging that many specialist UK expat mortgage lenders are finding ingenious ways of keeping expat house purchases moving and delivering completions. Written for Expat Network by Guy Stephenson of Offshoreonline With much...

house prices

Portugal’s House Prices Increase Whilst Rental Prices Decrease

In their annual report on house purchase and rental prices in Portugal Imovirtual have seen increases in the price of buying property in many areas but a reduction in rental prices. Here they set out the results for each area. Written exclusively for Expat Network by Imovirtual House Prices in Portugal House prices in...

retire abroad

Five Financial Things To Consider If You Plan To Retire Abroad

When retirement is around the corner US citizens may want to consider is whether you want to retire in the U.S or abroad.   Here Rick Pendykoski of Self Directed Retirement Plans sets out the financial considerations you need to make before moving abroad. Written exclusively for Expat Network by Rick Pendykoski of Self Directed Retirement...


Covid-19 Self-Employed Income Support Scheme In UK

Missed the January self-assessment deadline? You have four weeks to file your 18/19 tax return to enable you to access the government grant announced by Chancellor Rushi Sunak.   Written for Expat Network by GoSimpleTax Self-Employed Income Support Scheme Summary: You must have completed your 18/19 tax return 80% of profits up to £2,500 per month...

tax changes

A Guide To Recent Tax Changes For Landlords

With the latest Budget fresh in everyone’s minds, it’s easy to lose track of the changes actually impacting landlords today.  For landlords who don’t have the time to keep abreast of every update to legislation, it’s hard to keep up and remain compliant. That’s why we’ve asked Mike Parkes from GoSimpleTax to weigh in on...

tax savvy

Be Tax Savvy: File Early In 2020

GoSimpleTax recommend that you submit your tax return in April.  Filing just short of the deadline can be a dangerous game. HMRC is under pressure, you may not have the documents you need, and it doesn’t leave you much time to save for your tax bill.  Filing in April, on the other hand, solves the...

UK Property

Expats Face Stamp Duty Surcharge On UK Property Purchases

Expats and foreign investors in the UK property market face a 2% stamp duty surcharge following the UK 2020 Budget.  This is added to the 3% charged on those not occupying the property meaning that there can be stamp duty charges of up to 17% on the most expensive properties. The 2020 Budget included an...