expat network
vehicles australia

Taking Motor Vehicles To Australia

Taking vehicles to Australia is possible but you should be clear on what is involved and whether it is worthwhile. If you plan to take your vehicle to Australia you will need to be realistic about what is involved and the costs of doing so.  The vehicle will need to comply with Australian design and...

Can I Use Split Year To Reduce My Tax Liability On Return To The UK?

We are returning to the UK after 20 years in Dubai.  My husband has taken redundancy and we were hoping that his salary plus end of service benefit was going to be received and transferred to the UK before our return, unfortunately due to the slow cancellation of Visas etc this is looking less likely. ...

expat life

Financial And Lifestyle Benefits Of The Expat Life

The HSBC Expat Explorer survey provides insights each year into expat life around the world and highlights the locations that expats love.  Overall expats are very positive about the experience and there are lifestyle as well as financial benefits. Financial The economic drivers for moving abroad are highlighted with expats globally having an average gross personal...

Investor visas

Investor Visas In The US

Investor visas are a way for those who are attracted to the USA to gain residency rights. The world’s largest economy offers the allure of the American dream and a wide range of different lifestyles across this vast country.  There are different options for entrepreneurs wanting to move to America depending on the circumstances and whether...

establishing credit on arrival in america

Establishing Credit On Arrival In America

Establishing credit on arrival in America is vital. The lack of a credit score has implications in many areas as it restricts your ability to set up phone contracts, rent a property, sign up utilities, obtain a credit card and many more key taks when arriving in the US to live. Creditworthiness does not easily cross...

Free – Your Guide to Living In France!

Expat Network has produced a new guide especially for those who are thinking of relocating to France. Your Guide To Living In France focuses on the issues you will need to address as you plan your move to France. Download, free of charge, here… Your Guide To Living In France provides you with guidance on the issues...

British Expats And The Statutory Residence Test

Tax residence is not an issue that most of give much thought to.  As a British taxpayer you are subject to tax on your worldwide income and any capital gains unless you are not UK resident.  So when you spend all or part of the year abroad the issue comes in to sharp relief as...

Tax On Return To The UK?

We are in the process of considering a return to the UK. We left in April 2015 and we are resident in the Philippines. If we return we plan to sell our property in the Philippines to use as payment for a property in the UK. The question is, will the money to be transferred...

How Do I Land A Job In The Middle East?

I am looking for a job in the Middle East, ideally the UAE, and wondered if you might have some tips about how to go about this? I have experience in the finance, medical and engineering sectors. Rebecca Steele, from expat financial advisers AES International, based in Dubai, answered this. “Having been a job seeker...

Applying For Residence In Spain

Understand how to apply for and maintain residence in Spain An NIE (Numero de Identificacion de Extranjero) and a Tarjeta de Residencia (residency card) is required if you intend to stay in Spain for more than 90 days. It is possible to stay without applying for residence, but it is required for many purposes, including...

Tax To Be Paid Twice On Overseas Earnings?

I left the UK for India on 5 March 2017 to work on a two-year contract. My salary is paid into an Indian bank account in rupees and I transfer funds back to the UK. I am thinking of returning to the UK early in December 2017, but I fear I may be taxed in...

US Expat Tax Webinar

Do I Have To File US Tax Return From Abroad?

I am an American citizen who has lived in Mexico for 20 years. An accountant told me that if I spend only 30 days out of the US a year, I don’t have to pay federal income tax. Is this true? If it is, then do I have to file a tax return every year?...