expat network
retirement abroad

Expats – Plan Your Retirement Abroad

Many expats having spent a proportion or all of their career abroad get used to a different climate and lifestyle and do not feel drawn back to their home country when considering their retirement. There are many options for retiring and it is a very personal decision on where to retire. For some retiring where...


How Can Expats Manage A Lonely Christmas?

Almost the entire world has felt the impact of Covid-19 over the last two years, and the precautions we’ve all taken to prevent the spread of the virus have changed our lives in unimaginable ways. Kevin Melton of AXA – Global Healthcare looks at the impact on Christmas for expats living away from family and...

online education

Why You Should Consider Online Education

In today’s fast-paced world, attending university physically isn’t always possible. Whether it is because you have a full-time job, family commitments, or health issues, attending lectures every day may not be practical. Fortunately, many universities offer online degree programs, which are a great option for people who have very busy lifestyles. Online education is gaining...

global life insurance

Securing Global Life Insurance – The Easy Way

No one really wants to deal with the matter of life insurance. That’s because it’s so often confusing, mind-numbingly dreary, and a gloomy topic. Yet for most of us, it’s difficult to be financially secure without it. Written exclusively for Expat Network by Global1Life If you have loved ones in your care, or someone...

Job Search

Six Steps To Use Social Media In Your Job Search

The world is increasingly turning to social media for its news as well as a way of keeping in touch with friends and family.  In the professional context it is also increasingly important especially on LinkedIn, which can be a great way to build new connections and a potential source of your next job. Networking...

employee benefits

What are the top global employee benefits trends in 2020?

Salary and annual leave simply aren’t enough incentives for candidates anymore. With a decreasing average of time spent in a company, employee benefits are more important than ever. Whether you run your own company or work for one, it’s important to know the latest in employee benefits trends. As an employer, knowing what benefits people...

stuck overseas

Stuck Overseas During A Pandemic? Here’s What You Should Do

In this age of uncertainty, many worry about international travel. What if they are stuck overseas during a pandemic? Here is what you should do if so. Keep Up With Travel News Keeping up with travel news is key to your own personal safety. There are a lot of details during a pandemic. Rules...

child abduction

Child Abduction By Spouse – Precautions and Legal Remedies

Child abduction by one parent from another following marital breakdown can be a harrowing experience. Prevention is preferable as legal remedies can be expensive and difficult. Here Samara Iqbal of Aramas Law explains the legal remedies and practical precautions available. Written exclusively for Expat Network by Samara Iqbal, Director & Solicitor of Aramas Law Ltd ...

interior design

Celebrate your Culture Through Home Interior Design

You’re proud of your ethnic heritage. Why not bring elements of your culture into your home as a celebration of all that is uniquely you? With a bit of planning and some lucky finds, you can create an environment that feels like home, even if home base is miles or continents away. Introducing culture to...

keeping in touch

Keeping In Touch With Friends And Family From Abroad

Missing friends and family is something we’re becoming all too used to at the moment. For expats though, it can be especially tough. Prior to lockdown, research by AXA – Global Healthcare found that nearly half (48%) of expats who have felt isolated at some point, miss friends and family. Written for Expat Network by...

education options

Education Options For The Expat Family After Covid-19

Moving overseas with family is stressful, we all know that. Add in obstacles from a global pandemic and matters become even more complicated. For those who are still looking to make an international move soon, especially with children, the route is looking rough. Written exclusively for Expat Network by Stephen Spriggs of William Clarence Education. ...

Moving Overseas With Teens? Here Are 6 Tips To Help Them Cope

Teenage years are tough enough as they are. They are dealing with plenty of issues – trying to become independent; trying to figure out who they are and what they want out of life; totally tied into their friends and their social lives. It can be a challenging period of years. Written exclusively for Expat...