expat network

Finding Schools in America

When considering your options for schools in America, assuming you have decided against a boarding school back home, you will need to decide between American public and private schools and international and foreign-language schools. International Schools International schools generally teach in English and focus on the International Baccalaureate (IB) examination and diploma. The advantage of...

online education

Why You Should Consider Online Education

In today’s fast-paced world, attending university physically isn’t always possible. Whether it is because you have a full-time job, family commitments, or health issues, attending lectures every day may not be practical. Fortunately, many universities offer online degree programs, which are a great option for people who have very busy lifestyles. Online education is gaining...

moving to Canada

Why Moving To Canada Is So Appealing And How To Make It Happen

Moving to Canada is popular with many Brits with its political and historical ties to the UK along with the climate and landscape.  Not even the coldest of winters when temperatures can plummet to –40° seem able to deter Brits in search of a new life. It offers an outdoor lifestyle as well as several...

foreign language

7 Mistakes Stopping You From Improving Your Foreign Language Skills

Anyone interested in learning a new language needs to remember that this is no walk in the park. Learning a different language demands dedication, hard work, and a lot of patience from the learner’s side. Setbacks are always possible, and everyone should expect to make some mistakes at the beginning of their journey. The best...

education options

Education Options For The Expat Family After Covid-19

Moving overseas with family is stressful, we all know that. Add in obstacles from a global pandemic and matters become even more complicated. For those who are still looking to make an international move soon, especially with children, the route is looking rough. Written exclusively for Expat Network by Stephen Spriggs of William Clarence Education. ...

Moving Overseas With Teens? Here Are 6 Tips To Help Them Cope

Teenage years are tough enough as they are. They are dealing with plenty of issues – trying to become independent; trying to figure out who they are and what they want out of life; totally tied into their friends and their social lives. It can be a challenging period of years. Written exclusively for Expat...


Parenting Through The Change Curve Of A Big Move

Preparing young children for a move abroad can be a challenge. Clare Rowe moved to Kuala Lumpur in Malaysia with her two children when her husband took up a new job there. Here she sets out her experience of making the move and how she used the experience to write an illustrated children’s book to...

jobs in switzerland

How To Find Jobs In Switzerland As An English Speaker

Switzerland is a country that offers a wonderful lifestyle for those who work there and many people would be keen to take up the opportunity.  Study in Switzerland have written a guide on how to find a job in Switzerland for those who do not speak German and have agreed to allow us to publish...

language learning

Language Learning: The Ultimate Checklist for the Best Results

Learning a new language is something that can benefit you in many ways. Thanks to modern technology, more and more people are broadening their horizons by learning a new language. This ability to learn a new language online means you can now enhance your skills and knowledge, benefit from self-improvements, and even look at getting...

british schools

Choosing The Perfect British Schools For International Families

Regardless of our background, social status, or cultural upbringing, there is one thing that can unite everyone around the world… a will to provide a better future for our children. The primary years spent growing physically and mentally are vital for every person’s own journey in life. As parents it’s a large responsibility to do...


Prenups Should Be The Way Forward For Expats

While family law may not be top of the UK legislative agenda, Emma Collins, partner and head of Weightmans’ private client team, argues that prenups have an increasingly crucial part to play in divorce proceedings as we enter a post-Brexit world. Written exclusively for Expat Network by Emma Collins, Partner at Weightmans Like so...

students abroad

10 Tips For Freshmen Students Abroad

It is the dream of every ambitious student to travel the world, study in the best colleges on the planet, and compete with the best of the best brains from all over the world. Such education opportunities are rare to find, so one must make the most of them when they come knocking. Written exclusively...