expat network
moving to france

What Are The Most Popular Regions In France?

Moving to France remains a popular choice amongst expats looking to change their way of life. There are many different French regions to choose from and each has its attractions, but the following four have proved to be consistently popular with people looking to move to France to live and work, or to retire. Brittany...

portuguese way of life

The Portuguese Way Of Life – What To Expect

Perhaps you are thinking of moving to Portugal to live and work, or to enjoy your retirement in the sunshine. Whilst an unquestioning observance of social and religious customs plays an important role in daily life, the Portuguese know how to let their hair down. Evening meals start and end earlier than in neighbouring Spain,...

visit in portugal

The 10 Best Places To Visit In Portugal

Portugal is undoubtedly one of Europe’s most visited countries, thanks mainly to its affordability, ideal holiday weather, and unique attractions. Located on the west coast of the Iberian Peninsula, Portugal’s geography differs from green farmlands and ancient towns to gorgeous vineyards and mountains in the north to the Algarve’s sensational beaches in the south. Portugal’s...

Places of interest

Getting To Know Malaga The City, Part 3 – Places Of Interest

In Malaga there are many things to do… A place that blends history, nature, culture, art, sports and leisure with great dining experiences. Malaka, as it was known in the olden days was thought to first be inhabited by the Phoenicians since the century VIII B.C. using the natural port on the foothill of Gibralfaro...

portuguese language

The Portuguese Language & Integration

The Portuguese language is the sixth-most widely spoken in the world, with some 230 million people using it as their native tongue (190 million in its former colony Brazil). It is the official language of eight countries on four continents and is the third most spoken European language after English and Spanish. It is not...

Driving in America

In the USA driving is an essential part of the culture. This is partly driven by the practicality of getting around in a country so large and partly a function of the lifestyle. In some of the major cities there is an extensive public transport system, but the cities are all served by extensive multi-lane...

buying property

Renting Or Buying Property In France

For many the idea of moving to France is to buy an old farmhouse deep in the country to renovate and settle into a rural lifestyle. For others it is the attractions of the cosmopolitan life in Paris. With prices in Paris it is generally more practical to rent rather than buy, but buying is...

interior design

Celebrate your Culture Through Home Interior Design

You’re proud of your ethnic heritage. Why not bring elements of your culture into your home as a celebration of all that is uniquely you? With a bit of planning and some lucky finds, you can create an environment that feels like home, even if home base is miles or continents away. Introducing culture to...

Spanish Lifestyle

Spain, The Spanish and The Spanish Lifestyle

Spain remains the most popular destination for British tourists and expats.  The climate is a major draw, but the beaches, excellent food and drink, friendly Spanish people, laid back lifestyle, culture and historic cities add to its attractiveness.  Spain has a long history and this has impacted their culture. Spain Spain has a total...

retirement abroad

Top Ten Tips To Settle Into Retirement Abroad

Settling in to living abroad can be a challenge at any time, but if you are also getting used to retirement after a long and active career, it can be even more difficult to achieve. Knowing what to expect can help to manage the transition and here we give our top ten tips to settling...

Lifestyle in Australia

Culture and Lifestyle In Australia

Australia’s aboriginal population first arrived around 50,000 years ago and continue to have a strong influence on Australian culture. The British began their colonisation in 1788 and this has led to the development of Australia’s highly westernised contemporary culture. The original British occupation of Australia as a penal colony was followed by many subsequent...


Help A Study Into Expat Assignment Failure

Lili Castille approached us to promote her study looking into the factors that impact on adjusting to a new culture and the causes expat assignee failure.  This is an opportunity to share your experience as an expat to help this study.  Here she sets out the background. Hello! I’m Lili Castille, a multicultural polyglot and...