expat network
expats integrate

Working Hours Not Key To Expats’ Improved Work-Life Balance

New research by Axa – Global Healthcare suggests that for many expats other factors, including the way in which they spend their downtime has more impact on their work-life balance than the prospect of working shorter hours.   New research by AXA – Global Healthcare reveals that nearly half (46%) of expats feel their work-life...

long term

Expats Can Struggle To Find Their Feet But Most Stay For The Long Term

A recent international study on the global professional workforce carried out by Expat Explorers founded by Helen McClure looks at how long it takes people to settle into expat life and how long they live as expats. The results have formed the basis of her book, Do they eat soup in England?  Although it takes...

Income Replacement Insurance

Income replacement policies help replace part of your regular working income while you are off work. The risks covered can include disability, illness, accidents, unemployment or involuntary redundancy. If you buy a policy, you will usually be paid a tax-free monthly income if you find yourself unable to work. You pay a monthly premium to...

Most Expats Don’t Plan To Go ‘Home’

Those looking to improve life satisfaction should consider moving abroad it seems, with over half of expats saying they have no intention of going home. Just two per cent of expats are overseas for the short term and actually have a date set to return home. On average, 60 per cent said the move lived...

Short-Term Expat Assignments On The Rise

A majority of multinational companies expect to increase their use of short-term assignments for expat staff in 2016, according to consultants Mercer. Over the next year or so, around half of companies anticipate an increase in the use of permanent transfers, developmental and training assignments and locally-hired foreigners. A smaller proportion expect to see an...