expat network
healthcare in portugal

Healthcare In Portugal

Access to the Portuguese health system is based on residence. Everyone who’s registered as a resident can also register to access the Portuguese national health service (SNS) on the same basis as a Portuguese citizen. This is the same if you’re employed, self-employed or not working. Here we outline how expats can access healthcare in...


Expats Increasingly Vulnerable To New Build Deposit Loss

When buying a new build in the UK a deposit is often required and if problems arise in funding the purchase this deposit can be at risk, especially for expats. UK expats looking to invest in new build homes in the UK are increasingly at risk of losing their deposits, thinks expat mortgage specialist,...

expats integrate

Working Hours Not Key To Expats’ Improved Work-Life Balance

New research by Axa – Global Healthcare suggests that for many expats other factors, including the way in which they spend their downtime has more impact on their work-life balance than the prospect of working shorter hours.   New research by AXA – Global Healthcare reveals that nearly half (46%) of expats feel their work-life...

expats living abroad

Five Questions To Ask About Health Insurance For Expats Living Abroad

Health insurance is an important option for expats and there are many providers offering different options.  Pacific Prime are insurance brokers and provide professional advice to expats.  They set out five questions to ask before deciding on an expatriate policy to ensure the policy meets your needs. Written exclusively for Expat Network by Pacific Prime ...

Healthcare in New Zealand

Healthcare In New Zealand

New Zealand has an excellent public and private healthcare system.  General health is good with no major diseases.  The normal childhood vaccinations are recommended and TB and Hepatitis B in particular. General Health and Vaccinations Tap water is safe to drink, although drinking water direct from streams and lakes does carry a risk from Giardia,...

personal finance france

Personal Finance Issues For Expats In France

France has a reputation as a high tax jurisdiction and while President Hollande was in power, some wealthy French nationals chose to move to the UK and Portugal, enticed by their fiscal sweeteners. But France can be a tax efficient place to live for retirees, providing you understand the tax implications of your specific situation...

One Year Until Brexit: What Do We Know About Expat Rights?

Brexit day is set for 29th March 2019 and so with a year to go, what do we know about Brexit?  The focus currently is on transition, which is important, but the post transition arrangements will be what counts in the long term. The joint statement on 19th March agreed that the transitional period will...

Top 10 Tips To Learn A Language

How do I learn a foreign language? It is easy to start, but it is worth learning from those who have done it before to find out what works. We set out our top 10 tips for learning a foreign language. Know why you are learning the language. Make sure that before you start you...

school in australia

Choosing A School In Australia

Australia has excellent state and independent schools to choose from. School education in Australia includes preschool, preparatory (or kindergarten), primary school, secondary school (or high school) and senior secondary school (or college).  School education in Australia lasts for 13 years, and is compulsory between the ages of six and sixteen (Year 1 to Year 9...

healthcare in america

Healthcare In America

Healthcare in America has a reputation for being amongst the most advanced in the world, but coverage is not universal. For those who can afford it, health insurance gives people access to very sophisticated systems and highly qualified medical practitioners. However, healthcare in America is very expensive and there are many who are unable to...


Making Best Use Of Your LinkedIn Profile

With more than 500 million users in over 200 countries, LinkedIn is a great tool for building a professional network, getting yourself noticed by recruiters and promoting yourself within your industry.  By CV Knowhow Senior CV Consultant – Jen David You’ll first need to set up your profile. Treat this as you would a CV...

CV for a job overseas

How To Write A CV For A Job Overseas

You probably have a good idea of what’s expected on a CV in your own country, but when applying for international jobs there are a few additional points to bear in mind.   Here is how to write a CV for a job overseas. By CV Knowhow Senior CV Consultant – Jen David The most important...