Banking in America
When opening a bank account in America, you will want to consider the wide range of options with different variations on basic checking and savings accounts, and the ability to link accounts. Terms and services may vary widely between the different providers. According to Forbes Americas largest banks are: JP Morgan Chase Bank of America...
Wealth Management For Expats
As an expat you are often in your best-earning years while overseas, so you need to make sure you are saving and investing tax-efficiently and getting good advice from people who understand your residence and tax situation. Here are some issues to consider. Residence Residence is a key issue when determining whether you are...
Taxation Of US Expats: The Basics
The basic principle is that Americans living and working abroad are subject to the same tax rules as those who remain in the US. Americans are subject to US income tax on their worldwide income. There are the additional reporting requirements of FATCA and FBAR (see Five Things American Expats Need to Know About Foreign...
Banking In Australia
It is very useful to have access to a local account on arrival and Australian banks encourage you to open an account before you move to Australia. You can open an account online up to a year before you arrive in Australia. You can deposit funds in the account once opened but will only be...
Applying For Residence In Spain
Understand how to apply for and maintain residence in Spain An NIE (Numero de Identificacion de Extranjero) and a Tarjeta de Residencia (residency card) is required if you intend to stay in Spain for more than 90 days. It is possible to stay without applying for residence, but it is required for many purposes, including...
Do You Need An Offshore Bank Account?
The answer is, you may not. But Iain Yule reckons that most British expats will at some stage, if not throughout their time abroad, find offshore banking useful in a number of ways. First and foremost is the potentially huge tax saving you can make by placing your savings offshore. To take the example of...
Should I Bank Offshore?
I want to set up an offshore bank account as I have been an expat for many years and have been told this would be a good place to keep my savings. Can you help? Stuart Ritchie, Chartered Financial Planner & Chartered Wealth Manager with expat financial advisers AES International, answered this question. I believe...
Five Things American Expats Need To Know About Foreign Bank Account Reporting
If you live abroad, chances are you have heard about FBAR and FATCA—but do you really know what they are and whether or not you need to file? It’s important that you fully understand because the penalties for failing to file if required can be steep! So let’s take a look at the five things...
New Cross-Europe Online Bank Account Launches
ipagoo, a new online current account for consumers, has launched in the UK, France, Spain and Italy. By separating cash management from credit, ipagoo can offer real-time, cross-border transactions across Europe, available through a single relationship for the first time. The new account, developed by the Orwell Group, is designed for everyone, but is particularly...