Financial Planning When Retiring Abroad
When retiring to Europe what are the options for funding the move, how do you arrange to receive your state pension and transfer your private pension(s) while abroad. What are the financial issues that need to be considered before you make the move? Jason Porter of Blevins Franks takes you through the key financial issues...
Expats – Plan Your Retirement Abroad
Many expats having spent a proportion or all of their career abroad get used to a different climate and lifestyle and do not feel drawn back to their home country when considering their retirement. There are many options for retiring and it is a very personal decision on where to retire. For some retiring where...
How To Claim The UK State Pension Abroad
You can continue to claim your State Pension when you decide to retire abroad, provided you have paid enough UK National Insurance contributions to qualify. If you have not yet started receiving your pension you can get a State Pension statement to tell you how much State Pension you may get In order to claim...
Accessing Healthcare When You Retire Abroad
Retiring abroad is a major decision and one of the key issues if we are to get the best out of life in retirement wherever we are is access to good quality healthcare. The accessibility of healthcare should be one of the key factors in the decision on where to retire. There can be a...
Inheritance Trusts: Inheritance Tax In Spain
A trust is a legal arrangement used in countries such as the United States and the United Kingdom, but it is not recognised in Spain. Here AGM Abogados explain the issues around the use of trusts and inheritance tax in Spain. Written exclusively for Expat Network by Dimitrichka Nedelcheva Anghelova, Tax and Fiscal Lawyer. AGM...
The Best Places To Live Or Retire In Spain
Having made the decision to move to Spain what will determine which region you choose to live in? Here we set out the attractions of some of the most popular locations to retire, take up a new lifestyle working for yourself as a digital nomad or by using your trade or profession. The capital city...
Retiring Abroad, Some Insurance Advice
The freedom to retire means no longer having to work every day and having the ability to travel at leisure. It also means you can sell your house and spend your senior years living in a foreign country, taking in new experiences and meeting new people; but as romantic as retiring abroad sounds, there are insurance considerations that...
The Top 10 Countries Brits Want To Spend Their Retirement In
Research has revealed the top 10 countries Brits want to spend their retirement in, with Spain placing first. Equity release specialists at Retirement Solutions analysed the average monthly Google search volume for different terms relating to retiring abroad. They wanted to determine the countries that Brits are most seeking to move to, upon retirement. Rank ...
Top Ten Issues When Deciding Where To Retire Abroad
Many of us have a clear idea of where we would like to retire, but there are many factors to consider. You may have had many happy holidays in one part of the world, but that does not necessarily mean it is the best place to spend your retirement. Costs, taxes, environment, community and what...
Top Ten Tips When Planning Your Retirement Abroad
Retiring abroad is increasingly popular with estimates ranging from 10% of people in the UK considering retiring abroad to over 30%. Moving to a warmer climate with a lower cost of living enabling you to enjoy a more active retirement can be a very attractive proposition. It is, however, a major life decision and should...
How to Arrange Your US Social Security Retirement Benefit
Over half a million people receive some kind of Social Security benefit abroad, including retired and disabled workers, as well as spouses, widows, widowers, and children. If you retire abroad you can receive your Social Security payments outside the United States as long as you are eligible and live in a country where payment is...
Can I Still Move Or Retire To Spain?
So with the Brexit transition period ended on 31st December, what are the chances of being able to move or retire to Spain in 2021? Is it too late to take advantage of the existing rights as a citizen of an EU member country? Written by Nigel Ayres, CEO of Expat Network Spain...