expat network
Working in Australia

The Australasia Energy Sector – Market Outlook

What is the market outlook for the Australasia energy sector? Matt Underhill, MD of the Asia Pacific Region at energy recruitment firm NES Global Talent offers his view on the future outlook for vacancies and talent in the Australasia region. Australian Energy Export Market The Australian energy export market endured a turbulent 3 years...

Filing US Expat Taxes Late

A Step-by-Step Guide to Filing US Expat Taxes Late

Filing US expat taxes late – if you’re behind on your taxes, you aren’t alone. The 2018 US Expat Opinion Survey, which gathered the opinions of over 3,800 expats worldwide, found that nearly 7% of expats were behind on their taxes. Becoming compliant on expat taxes might be easier than you think! Just follow the...

the IB

Getting More Out Of The IB

A guide to the International Baccalaureate for parents whose children want to create social change… Is the IB the right fit for your child? Helping your child choose the next step in their education can be a particularly stressful time for parents. There are so many options available but the most important piece of advice...

expatriate children adjusting

Expatriate Children: Adjusting to a New Environment and Taking Over the World!

While there is no denying that expatriate children have certain invaluable opportunities by being exposed to different (and often multiple) cultures, there can also be a big price to pay: these children may find themselves feeling sad and alone a great deal of the time while being challenged to make new friends and integrate into...

accepting a job

Should I Take The Job? Considerations Before Accepting A Job

When you are applying for a job abroad there can often be a prolonged selection process. When you have finally made it from the initial application through to the shortlist and receive a job offer the natural instinct is to accept the offer and look forward to your exciting new life abroad. However, before accepting...

Australian Expats Returning Home:  How To Prepare

Simon DePaoli of Moore Stephens lays out the issues regarding financial planning and expat life that Australian expats returning home need to consider – writing from the perspective of an Australian who has done it. Expatriate life is a heady existence. There’s the opportunity to fast-track career aspirations, the novelty of travelling to new countries...


Expats’ Special Insurance Needs

Everyone faces risks that require reliable insurance coverage.  Expats face the same risks as well as additional risks caused by their decision to live abroad.  It is important to recognise the risks that you face and to be sure that the coverage does not have terms invalidating the insurance because of your location or because...

Great Move

How To Achieve A Great Move Abroad

Katia Vlachos, born of Greek parents in Cameroon, has lived as an expat in Paris, LA, the Netherlands, Vienna and Zurich and so is well placed to write on living the expat life. At the London book launch of her new book, A Great Move, she outlined her top seven tips for a successful expatriate...

insurance premiums

Why Do Insurance Premiums Always Seem To Rise Each Year?

Expats that secure their own health insurance quickly learn that their premiums will rise year-on-year. Health policies aren’t like motor policies where, given you’ve made no claims, you’ll find a discount on your premium for the next coverage period. This article from our sponsor, Pacific Prime Dubai, will help explain why health insurance premiums always...

Moving Abroad Checklist

In this comprehensive and useful guide we cover the issues you will need to consider and list the actions needed to arrange a successful move.

Financial Action Checklist

If you are leaving Britain to live abroad there are a number of financial measures you can take before you go to save you facing problems later.


Driving In Australia

The car is a key part of life in Australia if you are getting out of the cities to enjoy the coast, the bush and the many other joys of life in Australia.  The rules are different in each state and territory. Driving Licence The regulations for driving in Australia are set by the individual...