expat network

Expat Parents’ Guide To International Schools In Miami

Moving to a new country can be a great undertaking for parents who need to ensure their children receive a quality education. With its vibrant cultural diversity and robust educational offerings, Miami stands out as a prime location for expatriates. This guide will help expat parents navigate the landscape of international schools in Miami, providing...

Finding the tight school for your kids

8 Things To Consider When Finding The Right School For Your Kids

Choosing the right school for your kids is not just a decision; it’s an adventure into their future. This journey involves peeking into various facets like curriculum, location, and the learning environment, among others. It’s an exploration that determines what kind of foundation your child will receive. It will set the stage for lifelong learning...

motherhood while living abroad as an expat

Top 6 Strategies To Balance Motherhood While Living Abroad As An Expat

Being a mother is a beautiful journey that comes with its own set of challenges and rewards. Now, imagine adding the adventure and excitement of living abroad as an expat to the mix. It can be a thrilling experience, but it also comes with unique considerations for balancing motherhood and the expat lifestyle. In this...

parental rights if you need to move abroad

What Are Your Parental Rights If You Need To Move Abroad For Work And Your Ex Wants The Kids To Stay Put?

Moving abroad for a job can be an exciting experience for both you and your children, but if your ex-spouse stops you, it can complicate matters. In this article, we’ll take a look at your parental rights when moving abroad with children, and what you can do if your ex-spouse says “no.” Why Permission is...

solo female expats

Empowering Tips For Solo Female Expats

Stepping into the realm of solo female expats is a journey of self-discovery and empowerment. It’s about defying societal norms and embracing independence on your terms. Firstly, cultural differences may seem daunting initially, but you’ll thrive with an open mind and respect for local customs. Secondly, building a strong support network is vital, connecting you...

Teaching Career In The US

Top Tips For Expats Considering A Teaching Career In The US

Getting started on a teaching career in a completely new country can be a daunting prospect. However, for those expats looking to pursue the field of education in the United States, a solid road map can make the journey less intimidating and more constructive. Here are some top tips for those considering this career path....

Relocating To Texas With Your Dog

“Pawsitive” Tips For Relocating To Texas With Your Dog

It can be an exciting adventure to move to a new country, but if you’re a proud dog owner, you must think about your pet’s welfare throughout this time. Spend time on planning and preparation to ensure a simple and stress-free transition for you and your dog,. This guide will cover all the necessary advice...

parent abroad

Choosing A School In America – Top Issues For Expats

The business of choosing a school in America is of primary importance to expatriate families planning their move there. The US educational system offers enormous choice: provision varies from state to state, with both public and private schools as well as international schools to choose from. This article was written exclusively for Expat Network by...

Finding Schools in America

When considering your options for schools in America, assuming you have decided against a boarding school back home, you will need to decide between American public and private schools and international and foreign-language schools. International Schools International schools generally teach in English and focus on the International Baccalaureate (IB) examination and diploma. The advantage of...

Taking your pet to America

Taking Your Pet To America

There is a lot to consider when taking your pet to America. In the US, the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is responsible for the regulations that govern the importation of animals and animal products that might cause human disease. The CDC does not require certificates of health for pets that enter America. However, they may...

International Students’ Guide To Living In California

California is a popular location for international students seeking a high-quality education as well as a diverse cultural experience. It’s no wonder that with its sunny weather, diversified population, and world-class colleges, California attracts students from all over the world. If you’re an international student wanting to study in California, here’s your guide to living...

studying abroad

Studying Abroad? Follow These 7 Tips For An Easier Student Life

If you’re considering studying abroad, congratulations! It’s an amazing experience that will stay with you for the rest of your life. But before you pack your bags and catch a plane, there are a few things you should know to make your student life overseas a little easier. Follow these seven tips and you’ll be...