expat network

Taking A Pet To Spain

Pets entering Spain must be fitted with an ISO microchip for identification. Citizens of EU countries should bring their pets’ passports. What are the rules for British pets now that we are no longer members of the EU? If you have a pet passport issued by Spain or another EU member state, you can use...


How To Take Your Vehicle To New Zealand

If you are moving to New Zealand and taking up residence you may not have to pay tax on importing your vehicle, but there are certification and other requirements you will need to comply with. Should I take my vehicle to New Zealand? Before deciding to take a vehicle with you when moving to...

mental health

Impact Of Taking On An International Assignment On Mental Health

A major new piece of research* by AXA Global Healthcare has shed light on the impact that working on an international business assignment has upon mental health. Of the 500 international workers who were surveyed in seven different countries, just one-in-ten (10%) said that working abroad has had a negative impact on their mental health....

international relocation

How To Ensure A Smooth Transition To Your New Home

Relocating within the same country is a challenging time in anyone’s life. Relocating to a completely new country or continent is on a whole other level. Here are some things to keep in mind as you prepare for your move abroad to make the process smoother and to mitigate any risks. Written exclusively for Expat...


Taking A Pet To New Zealand

When considering taking your pet with you to New Zealand you should ensure you understand what is involved and be confident that your pet is fit enough to make the journey and to settle in to a new life with you in New Zealand.  You will be responsible for its well-being and for ensuring that...

pet to australia

Taking Your Pet To Australia

If you decide to take your pet with you to Australia you will need to comply with the detailed regulations and procedures and some pets cannot be taken to Australia. Cats and dogs can be imported to Australia under strict conditions designed to manage biosecurity risks. For the import conditions applicable to your cat or...

vehicles australia

Taking Motor Vehicles To Australia

Taking vehicles to Australia is possible but you should be clear on what is involved and whether it is worthwhile. If you plan to take your vehicle to Australia you will need to be realistic about what is involved and the costs of doing so.  The vehicle will need to comply with Australian design and...

household goods

Taking Household Goods To Australia

You can find guidance on sending your household goods and personal effects on the Australian Government Department of Home Affairs website.  Unaccompanied Personal Effects (UPEs) include your household and personal items, but not motor vehicles or parts, commercial goods or items that have been bequeathed or purchased over the internet.  UPEs may arrive in Australia...