expat network
Driving In Spain

Driving In Spain

Driving in Spain is allowed on a foreign licence as a visitor but non-EU residents need to exchange for a Spanish licence after six months. What is involved? You will also need to understand what items and documentation you need to carry in the car with you and what the penalties for traffic violations....

Finding Schools in America

When considering your options for schools in America, assuming you have decided against a boarding school back home, you will need to decide between American public and private schools and international and foreign-language schools. International Schools International schools generally teach in English and focus on the International Baccalaureate (IB) examination and diploma. The advantage of...

currency risks

Top Tips For Managing Currency Risks When Retiring Abroad

Retiring to a life overseas, comes with many important considerations, not least of all how to manage the exchange and international transfer of your money, be it accumulated savings or ongoing income. Written exclusively for Expat Network by Tom Arnold of Currency Index There are various options open to you in terms of the...

foreign language

7 Mistakes Stopping You From Improving Your Foreign Language Skills

Anyone interested in learning a new language needs to remember that this is no walk in the park. Learning a different language demands dedication, hard work, and a lot of patience from the learner’s side. Setbacks are always possible, and everyone should expect to make some mistakes at the beginning of their journey. The best...

currency exposure

5 Tips For Managing Your Currency Exposure As An Expat…

Managing exchange rate risk and transferring funds internationally are a part of life for expats and making sure that you do this effectively can make a significant difference to the cost of covering regular expenses and major purchases.  Currency Index, the expert currency consultants, set out their top tips for managing your exchange rate exposure...

UK Property

Expats Face Stamp Duty Surcharge On UK Property Purchases

Expats and foreign investors in the UK property market face a 2% stamp duty surcharge following the UK 2020 Budget.  This is added to the 3% charged on those not occupying the property meaning that there can be stamp duty charges of up to 17% on the most expensive properties. The 2020 Budget included an...

visa online

How To Apply For A Visa Online

Applying for a visa to travel to many countries can be done online, but this can involve completion of complex forms and an error can lead to applications being delayed or rejected. Written for e-Visa.co.uk Today travel abroad is popular for a range of reasons and whether it is for business or pleasure it is...

expat divorce

Worldwide Expat Divorce And Family Law

Divorce rates among expats are high and when this happens in a foreign country it can be even more difficult to handle. One decision that has to be made is which legal framework should apply. Samara Iqbal of Aramas Law explains the issues that need to be considered when making the decision. Written exclusively for...

currency exchange

How To Save Money On Currency Exchange

International payments expose you to exchange rates and getting the best rate can save you money. Specialists Currency Fair explain the impact of exchange rates and how much you can save. Written exclusively for Expat Network by Currency Fair Nobody likes getting short-changed, especially when the sums involved are significant. Before making your international...

U.S. taxes

U.S. Taxes For Expatriates – Pitfalls And Traps

To ensure a smooth tax-filing process be well informed. Having residency in a foreign country without exploring tax ramifications could mean paying more than expected to the U.S. government or home state with possible penalties and interest. This article was written exclusively for Expat Network by American Expat Tax Some important considerations include… Foreign earned...

Portugal Property

Portugal Property Market Set For Strong Growth

The prospects for the Portugal property market in 2019 after a strong 2018 look encouraging.  This is despite the reduction in investment from British buyers. In 2008 60% of buyers on the Algarve originated from the UK and Ireland according to Knight Frank.  Demand from Britain has been in slight decline with the uncertainties over...

stamp duty

Stamp Duty Proposals For Foreign Investors: Will It Affect UK Demand?

Proposals to increase stamp duty for overseas purchasers of property will have an impact on the UK property market.  Benoit Properties set out the impact that they expect to see on foreign property investors. Taken from an article by Benoit Properties Speaking at the Conservative Party Conference, Theresa May announced plans for overseas purchasers...