Non-Resident Capital Gains Tax
Are you non-resident for UK tax purposes and own UK residential property? If so, did you know that if you sell your UK property you have an obligation to file a Non Resident Capital Gains Tax Return (NRCGTR) within 30 days of conveyance? This is the case even if you do not make a gain...
Tax On Return To The UK?
We are in the process of considering a return to the UK. We left in April 2015 and we are resident in the Philippines. If we return we plan to sell our property in the Philippines to use as payment for a property in the UK. The question is, will the money to be transferred...
How Do I Land A Job In The Middle East?
I am looking for a job in the Middle East, ideally the UAE, and wondered if you might have some tips about how to go about this? I have experience in the finance, medical and engineering sectors. Rebecca Steele, from expat financial advisers AES International, based in Dubai, answered this. “Having been a job seeker...
New Mortgage Range For British Expats
Offshore bank Skipton International has launched a new range of mortgages for British expats. The Guernsey-based bank is offering two new fixed rates For borrowers looking for a remortgage of £300,000 or more, the rate is fixed at 3.99% for five years. Smaller loans between £100,000 and £300,000 come with the higher rate of 4.49%...
UK Expats: Does The Self-Assessment Tax Return Deadline Affect You?
Each year, countless people leave the UK for foreign shores, chasing a new life or career. Yet this break from Great Britain may not be clean in the eyes of HMRC, who could disagree with your ‘expat’ status. This article was written exclusively for Expat Network by SimpleTax Many non-resident Britons still face obligations when it...
Tax To Be Paid Twice On Overseas Earnings?
I left the UK for India on 5 March 2017 to work on a two-year contract. My salary is paid into an Indian bank account in rupees and I transfer funds back to the UK. I am thinking of returning to the UK early in December 2017, but I fear I may be taxed in...
Self-Assessment Made Easy Using SimpleTax
HMRC-recognised SimpleTax has been developed for you and not accountants, calculating and submitting your return direct to HMRC. As it is cloud-based, SimpleTax is perfect for expats, guiding you through your return without all the tax jargon, prompting you to claim the allowances you are entitled to. This article was written exclusively for Expat Network...
Do I Have To File US Tax Return From Abroad?
I am an American citizen who has lived in Mexico for 20 years. An accountant told me that if I spend only 30 days out of the US a year, I don’t have to pay federal income tax. Is this true? If it is, then do I have to file a tax return every year?...
Get The Facts About Filing Late US Taxes
The June deadline has come and gone, but if you haven’t filed your taxes yet, there’s still time to get caught up and become compliant with the IRS this year. Not sure where to begin? Don’t fret – the information you need to know is right here in this Q&A. By Greenback Tax I...
Sponsored: Why ‘Free’ Advice Costs Much More Than You Think
Were you offered ‘free’ advice by your financial adviser when he or she sold you that investment product, pension or regular savings plan? If the answer is yes, then you have probably been taken for a ride. All advice costs money, and there are two ways you can pay for it: fees or commission. Fees...
Sponsored: Sensible Pension Planning For Expats
Historically, in countries where there is no tax-driven, government-approved pension savings framework (most countries in the Middle East and Africa for example) expat workers have relied on ‘international pension plans’; in reality a marketing name for what is essentially a long term savings plan. By Paul Beard For a long time these were the only...
Free Healthcare After A Move To Spain?
As a couple we are considering a move to Spain. I am 57 and eight years in from breast cancer, and my husband is 69 with a pacemaker. We are just starting to look and wanted any advice you can give. Andrew Apps of expat financial advisers Bellwood Prestbury answered this question. As an expat,...