expat network

Sponsored: 10% Discount On Wide Range Of Insurance

Silversurfers.com has the largest community of over 50s in the UK and that’s why they are able to offer a special discount to Expat Network members. So whether you’re over 50 or not, this might be right for your parents, aunts, uncles, granny or grandad. Take a moment to check out the Silversurfers insurance...

Income Replacement Insurance

Income replacement policies help replace part of your regular working income while you are off work. The risks covered can include disability, illness, accidents, unemployment or involuntary redundancy. If you buy a policy, you will usually be paid a tax-free monthly income if you find yourself unable to work. You pay a monthly premium to...

Life Insurance For Expats

Increasing numbers of people are living and working abroad either permanently or temporarily and, at present, the vast majority of those who have existing life insurance are unlikely to retain their coverage as they do so. The different levels of risk associated with living in different countries makes it impossible for life insurance policies aimed...

Death In Service Insurance

Many people working abroad for UK companies are entitled to death in service benefits either as part of their pension or an employee-run insurance scheme. These will usually pay out up to four times you annual salary as a tax-free lump sum if you die while working for that company. Under the Armed Forces Compensation...

Travel Insurance

International health insurance and travel insurance have some similarities in the sense that they both usually cover you for medical expenses abroad. However, there are also some important differences between the two. Travel insurance policies typically cover medical treatment if you fall ill abroad or have an accident while travelling. They usually will not cover...

Sponsored – Kingsbridge Professional Solutions

The Need To Be Insured. As a limited company contractor, you have certain responsibilities and it is important to ensure you are protected against any unforeseen eventualities.  We understand how important it is to arrange insurance cover through a company that really understands the specific challenges you face. Kingsbridge Professional Solutions is an insurance broker...