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Digital Nomad’s Guide To Moving Frequently

digital nomad's guide to moving frequently


At first glance, living as a digital nomad looks like the easygoing lifestyle of dreams. The excitement of traveling and seeing the world usually draws people in. It’s a chance to build your career while also seeking personal development. The prospect of working remotely around the world is usually good for reducing boredom in the lives of thrill seekers.




However, in all of this dreaminess, it’s common for people to forget that moving so frequently can be as challenging as it is exciting. We have created this digital nomad’s guide to moving frequently in the hopes of helping you smooth out the highs and lows of being a digital nomad.


Make sure to plan every move ahead

The first thing that we have to address in our digital nomad’s guide to moving frequently is proper planning. Digital nomads are not really known for their detailed planning abilities. Most people who choose this lifestyle are drawn in by its spontaneousness. However, you should keep in mind that having at least some idea about where you’ll be living and how you will make the most out of your stay in a specific place can save you a lot of headaches.

You really don’t have to meticulously plan every aspect of your life before moving to a new place. But at least having a general outline of some key elements of moving to a new place will significantly help. Some simple research ahead of time should be enough. Let’s go through some things you can focus on during your research:

  • Local phone service and internet providers and their rates;
  • Available entertainment options in the area;
  • Social media groups made by expats who are already living there – This is good for both networking and getting tips;
  • Neighborhoods that can offer you what you need and their real estate market pricing;
  • The accommodation you can use until you find stable housing.

Professional movers from preferred-movers.com do advise you not to go overboard with this. It’s common for people to start outlining their plans and go into too much detail. This, in turn, leaves you unprepared for changes and reduces your flexibility when handling unexpected issues.


Go for flexible housing options

Next, in our digital nomad’s guide to moving frequently, we would like to discuss one of the most important parts of properly planning a move. One of the first steps for starting over in a new country is deciding what kind of accommodation you’re looking for. This is, however, one of the trickiest parts of moving. Everyone has their own ideal accommodation, but sometimes sacrifices are necessary. Your final choice should generally depend on the local housing market, your budget, and how much flexibility you feel you need. Let’s go through some of the most popular choices and their main pros and cons.



At first glance, hotels seem like the most expensive option. But that largely depends on the situation. For example, if you stay somewhere short-term, it eliminates many unnecessary expenses. This includes things like a deposit and utility bills. However, it’s probably not the wisest option if you plan to stay for a while. Spending such a large amount of money on a daily basis can quickly overshadow the amount of money you’ll be saving on bills.

Another great thing about living in hotels is the lack of storage. This might sound counterintuitive, but it is true. The general lack of storage in hotels forces you to pack light and reduce the amount of clutter in your life. It’s a great way to streamline the packing process for every move you make. Over time you’ll get in the habit of only bringing necessities, but for the beginning, this is an excellent method for rewiring your patterns of behavior. Of course, it’s also smart to explore different approaches other than this, but this is a fantastic place to start.


Hostels and motels

Hostels and motels are a tricky subject. While they are a lot cheaper, that price tag can come with some serious drawbacks. Some hostels will surprise you, but you do have to become well-versed in reading online reviews. The biggest problem with this is that it’s not uncommon for hostels to create fake reviews from fake accounts. With all that said, with enough research and preparation, they really can be a great option.


Online marketplaces

Online marketplaces such as Airbnb have become one of the most popular options for digital nomads. With so much flexibility, they are the perfect short-term, “no strings attached” accommodation. The main drawback is similar to hostels. If you don’t research enough, you can get stuck in a bad living situation.



Finally, we have apartments. These are usually the best option for digital nomads who plan on staying somewhere for more than two months. If you’re from the US, you’ll probably be surprised by how easy it is to find short-term leasing for apartments in the rest of the world. It’s a little bit of extra effort upfront, but it’ll definitely pay off in the long run.


Look for coworking spaces

Many people have great experiences working in coworking spaces. It can be hard to stay motivated as a freelancer in a new country. And that’s where coworking spaces come in. They are a great way to balance your work and personal life. However, the biggest advantage of working in these establishments is that they help you with professional networking. Not only will you meet like-minded individuals, but you’ll also be able to meet clients who need your services.

The price points and quality of coworking spaces vary widely, so you’ll probably benefit from checking out the ones with free trial periods. This way, you can get to know the space and the people who work there before making a definitive decision.


Stop living the traveler lifestyle

To finish off this digital nomad’s guide to moving frequently, we would like to instruct you to be more mindful of your lifestyle. Moving very often as a digital nomad can feel like you’re just traveling for a while. Getting out of the “permanent traveler mindset” can be challenging. However, it’s also very important. If you keep living like a tourist, eating out, going on guided tours instead of exploring on your own, and not adhering to a healthy routine, you’ll soon get into a very negative headspace. Simple routines like cooking your meals, visiting coworking spaces, and networking with locals can be a great help when it comes to starting to feel at home.


To conclude

Regardless of where you’re moving and how often you’ll be switching to a new place, the tips outlined in this digital nomad’s guide to moving frequently will help you do it well. Hiccups will always happen, and that’s ok. They are part of what makes this amazing spontaneous lifestyle so fun. Your main goal should always be to enjoy yourself and have fun. No matter which place you decide to call home next.