What You Need To Know Before Renting Property In Spain
There are many advantages to renting rather than buying in Spain and it is worth considering renting initially even if you plan to buy. How do you find a rental property, what are your options and how does the rental process work? Here we set out what you need to know before renting in Spain...
Finding A Job In New Zealand
Whether you are planning to work in New Zealand for a few years or emigrate permanently you will need to find a job and understand your visa options. Finding a job in New Zealand is similar to anywhere else in the world but we set out some of the issues you will face so you...
Finding Schools in America
When considering your options for schools in America, assuming you have decided against a boarding school back home, you will need to decide between American public and private schools and international and foreign-language schools. International Schools International schools generally teach in English and focus on the International Baccalaureate (IB) examination and diploma. The advantage of...
How To Find Your First Expat Job
The idea of finding a job abroad is very appealing for a wide range of reasons. For some people there are clear financial benefits and career-boosting opportunities. Others may find the idea of living abroad a romantic experience that should be seized at every opportunity. Written exclusively for Expat Network by Sabrina Bucknole on behalf...
UK Expat Mortgages Are Easier To Find Than You Might Think
One of the key reasons many expats move abroad is to realise their dreams of living a better quality of life and gaining financial independence. By choosing to work in a low tax environment, expats willingly make a choice to live and work away in order to help realise not only their own dreams but...
Finding Expat Schools In France
When deciding between a French school and an international school, parents have several factors to consider. A local school offers the advantages of acquiring fluency in French, broader acquaintanceships with French children and their culture. Young children typically adapt well to the French system, becoming comfortable within a matter of months. For older students, the...