expat network

Ten US Tax Tips For Americans Living Abroad

There are an estimated 8.7 million Americans living overseas and more than half fail to file their US tax return each year. Perhaps they don’t know they need to file or, more likely, it’s too overwhelming to attempt. But we are here to tell you that it doesn’t need to be this way. Follow these...

US Expats: Learn About The Statement Of Specified Foreign Financial Assets

In an effort to curb tax dodging by United States citizens with foreign assets, Congress passed The Hiring Incentives to Restore Employment Act. The act imposes a new reporting requirement for foreign financial assets, in addition to the requirement of filing an FBAR. The new law applies to specified persons with specified foreign financial assets which...

The Antipodes as a low-tax location

Alongside the sea and sunshine some locations offer great tax breaks to expats. Here we consider Australia and New Zealand. Read more…

Southern Europe as a low-tax location

Alongside the sea and sunshine some locations offer great tax breaks to expats. Here we consider Spain and Portugal. Read more…

Expats Not Saving Enough

British expats earn more when they head overseas but tend also to spend more, creating a savings gap for their retirement. Read more

Five Things American Expats Need To Know About Foreign Bank Account Reporting

If you live abroad, chances are you have heard about FBAR and FATCA—but do you really know what they are and whether or not you need to file? It’s important that you fully understand because the penalties for failing to file if required can be steep! So let’s take a look at the five things...

Beat The Language Barrier In Overseas Business

You must be able to communicate effectively when in business abroad or your proposition could be lost in translation. Read more…

Top Five Things to Be Aware Of Before You File Your US Taxes

It’s that dreaded time of year again—tax time! While US expats may cringe at the thought of filing US taxes, understanding the important US tax laws will make the filing process a lot easier   By David McKeegan If you are a new expat, new to filing US taxes abroad or filing on your...

Moving To United States? Read This Report

Make sure you can get the right documentation for a new life in the States… Read more here

Living and Working in India

Here is a brief introduction to what you can expect if you are considering taking up a contract or permanent post in India. India has a broad ethnic and linguistic diversity. The Indians are divided mainly into the dark-skinned Dravidian with approximately 25 percent of the population and the lighter-skinned Indo-Aryan races with approximately 72...

Expat Children And Custody In UAE

For divorcing or already divorced parents who are expats in UAE, disputes involving custody of children, relocation or travel with children are not straightforward. Written for Expat Network By Michael Rowlands, Partner and Head of London Family Law, JMW Solicitors LLP Unlike in many other countries there is no possibility of enforcing...

Taxed On UK Mortgage Payments From Abroad?

I am planning to work in Qatar but want to carry on paying my UK mortgage and sending money to my family. Will this be subject to UK taxation? You should be in the clear as far as UK tax is concerned. Dean Power of The Fry Group says that the amount you send back...