East African Skills Gaps Opens Energy Market
With over 100,000 locals needing to be trained over the next ten years to support East Africa’s oil and gas, mining and construction ambition, a delegation of ten Scottish oil and gas training providers have been visiting Tanzania and Mozambique to offer their skills and experience to these markets and to capitalise on the significant...
Older Expats Count Twice In Saudi Arabia
Any expat in Saudi Arabia who is 60 years of age or more will be counted as two expat staff in the Nitaqat Saudisation programme, Al-Madina Arabic newspaper has reported. Expats registered as investors or academicians (professors, associate professors, assistant professors, lecturers) or working as doctors will not be considered as two staff even though...
What Recruiters Look For
While there is no sure-fire way to land the job of your dreams, there are steps you can take to ensure you stand out from the crowd and give yourself the best chance possible.
More IT Specialists Opt For Self-Employment
The number of information technology specialists moving into self-employment has increased by 48% in five years, up from 143,000 211,000. According to research by professional services firm Procorre, the number of contractors in IT is growing at one of the fastest rates of any sector. The increase is being driven by rapidly growing business investment...
New UAE Law Means Employers Must Keep To Contract Terms
Changes to UAE employment law means employers cannot change contract terms without the consent of the Ministry of Labour. The new mandatory employment offer letter from UAE companies will help expats understand what exactly awaits them once they land in the Emirates. Quoted in Emirates 24/7, Thenji Macanda, Senior Associate at law firm Taylor...
Predicting The Foreign Exchange Market
There are numerous options that can help you minimise the impact of adverse exchange rate movements on your funds transfer. Nobody can accurately predict future exchange rates consistently and people should be very wary of dealers who claim they can. While keeping in touch with exchange rate fluctuations is important, most people will be better...
US Expats: Learn About The Statement Of Specified Foreign Financial Assets
In an effort to curb tax dodging by United States citizens with foreign assets, Congress passed The Hiring Incentives to Restore Employment Act. The act imposes a new reporting requirement for foreign financial assets, in addition to the requirement of filing an FBAR. The new law applies to specified persons with specified foreign financial assets which...