expat network
UK Self Assessment

Do I Need To Complete The UK Self Assessment?

If you are classed as self-employed or have a source of untaxed income, you will be required to complete a Self Assessment. However, this criteria is vague and many are left confused as to whether they actually need to file the tax return or not.  Written exclusively for Expat Network by Mike Parks of  GoSimpleTax...

make money

Be Your Own Boss: 3 Ways To Make Money When Living Abroad

Who doesn’t want to be their own boss nowadays? Thanks to the internet, getting started has become a pretty simple process. To make things better, all you’re going to need is a laptop and a little creativity. It gets even better too, as the internet also allows you to make money even when you’re living...

working from home

How To Make ‘Working From Home’ Work For You

Nothing beats having the freedom to create and be in control of your schedule. That is what working from home can do, among other benefits such as saving time and money on commutes. It also gives you the freedom to decide where you work, at home or sometimes abroad. Moreover, with the struggle to find...


A Guide To Record-Keeping And Expenses For The Self-Employed

If you’re new to self-employment, record-keeping might sound like hard work – even for those who have been filing for years it can be daunting. While that may be true, it does come with its own reward – namely, that sole traders can claim back allowable expenses and pay less tax on their earnings. Written...

4 Work From Home Productivity Tips

People all around the world have been given the opportunity to work from home amidst the COVID-19 pandemic. Some companies are suggesting employees work remotely during the outbreak, while others are requiring them to. Written exclusively for Expat Network by Pacific Prime UK For many, working from home is an entirely new experience and, as...


Covid-19 Self-Employed Income Support Scheme In UK

Missed the January self-assessment deadline? You have four weeks to file your 18/19 tax return to enable you to access the government grant announced by Chancellor Rushi Sunak.   Written for Expat Network by GoSimpleTax Self-Employed Income Support Scheme Summary: You must have completed your 18/19 tax return 80% of profits up to £2,500 per month...

More IT Specialists Opt For Self-Employment

The number of information technology specialists moving into self-employment has increased by 48% in five years, up from 143,000 211,000. According to research by professional services firm Procorre, the number of contractors in IT is growing at one of the fastest rates of any sector. The increase is being driven by rapidly growing business investment...

Older Workers Taking Up Consultancy

Changes to pensions lead to many Britons postponing retirement and taking up consultancy and directorships Funding a comfortable retirement is no mean feat, so many workers and contractors are choosing to defer drawing pensions and are continuing to work on a part-time or consultancy basis. There are currently 428,000 self-employed workers over the...