expat network
school in australia

Choosing A School In Australia

Australia has excellent state and independent schools to choose from. School education in Australia includes preschool, preparatory (or kindergarten), primary school, secondary school (or high school) and senior secondary school (or college).  School education in Australia lasts for 13 years, and is compulsory between the ages of six and sixteen (Year 1 to Year 9...

Finding Expat Schools In New Zealand

Many expat families opt to place their children in one of New Zealand’s excellent public or private schools. There are more than 20 schools in New Zealand, most in the Auckland area, that offer an International Baccalaureate (IB) programme. Some are private and some are state-sponsored. More than a dozen schools offer the Primary Years Programme, one...

Finding Expat Schools In France

When deciding between a French school and an international school, parents have several factors to consider. A local school offers the advantages of acquiring fluency in French, broader acquaintanceships with French children and their culture. Young children typically adapt well to the French system, becoming comfortable within a matter of months. For older students, the...

Choosing A School When Expats Return To UK

When moving to a new expat posting, often the best-known expat school is the obvious choice for your child. Even when there are wider options, often these are restricted by where there are places, or where a company may have a fast-track debenture. By Fiona Hodgkins Perhaps the most complex and challenging school choice of...

Buying Property In Switzerland

Switzerland is popular among the international community for the sense of reliability, stability and security it offers, its quality of life, education and construction, and its position in the heart of continental Europe. This has led to great demand from overseas for Swiss residence or second homes. By Swiss Alps Properties The Swiss had feared...

Living and Working in China

Here is a brief introduction to what you can expect if you are going to work in China. The Chinese have a strong sense of belonging to a long and often intense history. Relationships of all kinds take time to develop. Families are close knit and relationships between and within families and institutions go back for...