expat network
stamp duty holiday

The Pros And Cons Of The Stamp Duty Holiday

The stamp duty holiday granted by the Chancellor in July 2020 ends in March 2021.  Here One Touch Investment look in depth at the impact this has had on the buy to let market and what is likely to happen after the stamp duty holiday ends. Written exclusively for Expat Network by One Touch Investment. ...

UK Property

Expats Face Stamp Duty Surcharge On UK Property Purchases

Expats and foreign investors in the UK property market face a 2% stamp duty surcharge following the UK 2020 Budget.  This is added to the 3% charged on those not occupying the property meaning that there can be stamp duty charges of up to 17% on the most expensive properties. The 2020 Budget included an...

stamp duty

Spain Forces Banks To Pay Mortgage Stamp Duty

Stamp duty payable on execution of a mortgage deed in Spain has been the subject of case law and legislation recently in Spain.  B Law & Tax explain the implications of the recent decisions. This article was written exclusively for Expat Network by B LAW & TAX, International Tax & Legal Advisors   Currently Stamp Duty...

stamp duty

Stamp Duty Proposals For Foreign Investors: Will It Affect UK Demand?

Proposals to increase stamp duty for overseas purchasers of property will have an impact on the UK property market.  Benoit Properties set out the impact that they expect to see on foreign property investors. Taken from an article by Benoit Properties Speaking at the Conservative Party Conference, Theresa May announced plans for overseas purchasers...

vehicles australia

Taking Motor Vehicles To Australia

Taking vehicles to Australia is possible but you should be clear on what is involved and whether it is worthwhile. If you plan to take your vehicle to Australia you will need to be realistic about what is involved and the costs of doing so.  The vehicle will need to comply with Australian design and...

Malta In The Med: Home To Property Tax Breaks

The small Mediterranean island of Malta is proving attractive to property buyers and features tax advantages to those who come to live, invest in a home and retire. Having registered the highest GDP growth rate in Europe in 2015 and the fourth lowest unemployment rate in the EU, Malta is making a name for itself...


Moving Your Home Contents

Before beginning to pack make sure that you have thought through what you should take with you. Make a list! It is best to reduce the amount of home contents you take with you, as you may be fitting into something much smaller. First of all, what are you thinking of taking with you? Furniture – You...

Buying Property In Hong Kong

The Chinese government owns all the land in Hong Kong, and property owners lease the land (or co-lease it, in the case of an apartment block). Most foreigners can buy in Hong Kong but, in an attempt to cool the market and put off overseas speculation, the government has imposed an extra 15% Buyers’ Stamp...

Beware The UK Stamp Duty Hike

From 1 April 2016, the UK taxman introduced a new higher rate of stamp duty which applies to the acquisition of a ‘major interest’ in an additional residential ‘dwelling’. So beware if you are buying property in the UK. A ‘major interest’ is defined as a freehold or leasehold interest, says Adam Thompson, tax manager...