expat network
Mortgage Payments

Beware The Mortgage Payment Holiday For Buy To Let

With the current Covid crisis many banks are offering mortgage payment holidays in accordance with UK government policy.  However, the consequences for buy to let investors need to be considered to ensure it does not impact your credit for future investments. As England moves into its latest full lockdown and banks once again offer...

Expat Pensions Post Brexit

Top Savings Rates For Expats – July

Here are the latest expat savings rates. Many expats can benefit from using offshore bank savings accounts. They are useful for working in different currencies and for gathering interest without deduction of taxes. See the article ‘British Expats – Do You Need An Offshore Bank Account?’ The best current offering for sterling offshore savers is...

best options

What Are The Best Options For Moving Money Abroad?

Today there are many options for moving money abroad and making the most appropriate choice depends on how much you are moving and whether you will be sending regular amounts.  Short Term Travel Credit cards or holiday cash can cover short term holiday requirements, but if you are planning to buy a house or cover...

banking in spain

Banking In Spain

When moving to a new country you should take a look at your banking arrangements.  It is generally possible to use your existing bank from your home country for many purposes, but it is worth opening a local Spanish account for most people.  International Online Banks You can also consider using one of the growing...


Taxation Of US Expats: The Basics

The basic principle is that Americans living and working abroad are subject to the same tax rules as those who remain in the US.  Americans are subject to US income tax on their worldwide income.  There are the additional reporting requirements of FATCA and FBAR (see Five Things American Expats Need to Know About Foreign...

banking in australia

Banking In Australia

It is very useful to have access to a local account on arrival and Australian banks encourage you to open an account before you move to Australia.  You can open an account online up to a year before you arrive in Australia.  You can deposit funds in the account once opened but will only be...

Applying For Residence In Spain

Understand how to apply for and maintain residence in Spain An NIE (Numero de Identificacion de Extranjero) and a Tarjeta de Residencia (residency card) is required if you intend to stay in Spain for more than 90 days. It is possible to stay without applying for residence, but it is required for many purposes, including...

UK Expats: Does The Self-Assessment Tax Return Deadline Affect You?

Each year, countless people leave the UK for foreign shores, chasing a new life or career. Yet this break from Great Britain may not be clean in the eyes of HMRC, who could disagree with your ‘expat’ status. This article was written exclusively for Expat Network by SimpleTax Many non-resident Britons still face obligations when it...

Top Savings Rates For Expats – June

Many expats can benefit from using offshore bank savings accounts. They are useful for working in different currencies and for gathering interest without deduction of taxes. By Iain Yule See the article ‘British Expats – Do You Need An Offshore Bank Account?’.   The best current offering for sterling offshore savers is Standard Bank’s 1.2%,...

Top Savings Rates For Expats – May

Many expats can benefit from using offshore bank savings accounts. They are useful for working in different currencies and for gathering interest without deduction of taxes. By Iain Yule See the article ‘British Expats – Do You Need An Offshore Bank Account?’.   The best current offering for sterling offshore savers is Standard Bank’s 1.2%,...

Top Savings Rates For Expats – February

Many expats can benefit from using offshore bank savings accounts. They are useful for working in different currencies and for gathering interest without deduction of taxes. By Iain Yule See the article ‘British Expats – Do You Need An Offshore Bank Account?’.   The best current offering for sterling offshore savers is Standard Bank’s...

Do You Need An Offshore Bank Account?

The answer is, you may not. But Iain Yule reckons that most British expats will at some stage, if not throughout their time abroad, find offshore banking useful in a number of ways. First and foremost is the potentially huge tax saving you can make by placing your savings offshore. To take the example of...