Customs Requirements On Moving To The USA
Everyone entering the US has to complete the Customs and Border Protection Form (CBP Form) 6059B, “Customs Declaration,” for accompanying goods. If your goods are arriving separately you will need to complete the CBP Form 3299 “Declaration For Free Entry of Unaccompanied Articles. “You cannot simply give a statement that the goods are “household effects”, but will need...
Driving In Australia
The car is a key part of life in Australia if you are getting out of the cities to enjoy the coast, the bush and the many other joys of life in Australia. The rules are different in each state and territory. Driving Licence The regulations for driving in Australia are set by the individual...
Sponsored: Health Insurance Exclusions You Need To Know
Health insurance is an important consideration for every expat. A robust health policy offers extensive protection against a wide range of medical procedure costs, thus ensuring that the policyholder gets the treatment they need without breaking the bank. One thing to be aware of, however, is that health insurance plans won’t cover everything. To avoid...