expat network

Free Healthcare After A Move To Spain?

As a couple we are considering a move to Spain. I am 57 and eight years in from breast cancer, and my husband is 69 with a pacemaker. We are just starting to look and wanted any advice you can give. Andrew Apps of expat financial advisers Bellwood Prestbury answered this question. As an expat,...

Mental Health Growing Issue For Expats

Mental health is a growing issue for expat workers and their employers, as well as those relocating independently, according to a research study. To ensure expats have the support they need when relocating or working away from their home country, health benefits provider Aetna International is calling for businesses and individuals to take more pre-emptive...

The Healthy Expat

Those living away from their own country and its familiar health and welfare services can feel vulnerable in their new location. Health and access to proper care is at the heart of people’s wellbeing. Those who do not feel confident that they can readily access the help they need may not enjoy their expat life....