expat network
Making Tax Digital

How Will Making Tax Digital Affect Non-UK Residents And Non-Doms?

The next stage in the rollout of Making Tax Digital (MTD) will be MTD for Income Tax, which will be introduced in 2026. This will transform the way that self-employed people and landlords pay their taxes in the future.  How should you report foreign sources of income, and how are you affected if you’re...

Small Business Taxes in America

7 Things You Should Know About Small Business Taxes in America

Making key financial decisions for your business is hard enough as it is, but money matters become increasingly complex when you start throwing in tax terminology and filing practices. But if you’re setting up an online business, it’s a good idea to speak to a professional accountant before submitting your small business taxes in...

What tax do landlords pay on UK rental income?

What Tax Do Landlords Pay On UK Rental Income?

There are about 2.6m private landlords in the UK, and although some have large, lucrative property portfolios, 43% of private residential landlords in England rent out just one property. About 39% rent out two to four properties, while 18% rent out five or more. It’s a similar story elsewhere in the UK.  What tax...

UK Inheritance Tax And Domicile

UK Inheritance Tax And Domicile – What You Need To Know Today

UK inheritance tax follows you around the world since it’s based on domicile, not residence. You could live abroad long term and still be liable for this legacy tax. Here, Blevins Franks look at key facts about UK inheritance tax and domicile and how it could affect your intended heirs. Written...

UK rental income

How Much UK Rental Income Is Tax-Free If You Are Living Overseas?

It’s a dream that many people in Britain have. Move to another country, somewhere sunnier, to work or retire. For those who choose to live their dream, living overseas is often made possible to a greater or lesser extent by UK rental income they earn from UK property, one or more, which may include...

Taxes For Expats

Guide To Taxes For Expats: What To Know When Moving Abroad

Each year, thousands of professionals make the decision to relocate and work abroad. This could be for a variety of reasons, from career progression to the desire to broaden one’s cultural horizons. But while becoming an expat has the potential to better both your personal and professional life, it isn’t a decision to be...

Making Tax Digital

Making Tax Digital For Income Tax – Should You Start To Prepare Now?

All VAT-registered businesses in the UK must now meet new reporting requirements introduced as a consequence of Making Tax Digital. If you don’t run a VAT-registered business, Making Tax Digital won’t have affected you so far. You may not have even heard of Making Tax Digital. Written for Expats Network by...

How Expats Can Master UK Tax

Managing UK tax affairs can be tricky when you are an expat. With non-domiciliary status high on the news agenda recently, it’s prudent for expats to ensure they have an accurate understanding of their obligations under UK tax law and that they are fully prepared to report and pay their tax bills. ...

UK self assessment

Ditch The Jargon – UK Self-Assessment Explained

Understanding Self Assessment can be challenging for many self-employed people. The technical information can be difficult if not impossible to understand, while – let’s face it – it’s hardly the most interesting subject.   And the use of tax terminology rather than plain English can literally leave many people scratching their head when they’re reading...

UK tax changes

What April 2022 UK Tax Changes Should Expat Landlords Know About?

Important UK tax changes introduced by HMRC from the start of the 2022/23 tax year in April can affect landlords just as much as other taxpayers and in some cases they can have a significant impact on your tax bills. With prices rising sharply seemingly across the board, you should be aware of how...

Tax Benefits

Tax Benefits For U.S. Expats Abroad

Are you ready to file your U.S. tax return? In this article we’ll dive into the tax benefits and credits available to U.S. expats, to help you make sure you’re getting every deduction and credit you deserve. Written for Expat Network by Eric Scali, Region Tax Manager for H&R Block...

IRS Tax Penalties

What U.S. Expats Should Know To Avoid Thousands In IRS Tax Penalties

It’s that time of year again—are you ready to file your U.S. tax return? Filing while stateside can be complex enough, and expats have a few extra layers of complications added. In this article we’ll dive into the IRS tax penalties common to U.S. expats, and tips to avoid them this year and in...