expat network

Location Report: Saudi Arabia

Life in Saudi may not be the same as other countries, but considering that there is no tax of any kind and that you can repatriate 100% of your savings, working in Saudi Arabia is still attractive at least in the short-term, for expatriates.

Aberdeen – The North Sea Needs You!

From Rob Flemming: As though mirroring Britain’s wet winter weather, it seems that everyone has recently evaluated the North Sea’s oil and gas (O&G) industry, resulting in a flood of reviews and analyses.


Aberdeen – Places of Oil and Granite

From Rob Flemming: Between the Rivers Dee and Don, the golden strand of beach is an elegant curve that stretches for some two miles. Less than a mile behind those dimpled sands ground fine by the North Sea’s chill waves, lies the glittering Granite City of Aberdeen.

Your Employment Contract

There are a few key points to consider when signing a contract. For those who have recently become expatriates or for many of us who would like a gentle reminder, here are some of the more pertinent points.