expat network
Job Search

Six Steps To Use Social Media In Your Job Search

The world is increasingly turning to social media for its news as well as a way of keeping in touch with friends and family.  In the professional context it is also increasingly important especially on LinkedIn, which can be a great way to build new connections and a potential source of your next job. Networking...

spanish villa

What To Look For When Buying A Spanish Villa

Are you looking to buy property in Spain? Whether you’re an expat resident, a regular visitor or a holiday landlord, owning a Spanish villa can be a huge asset. And before you say ‘but Brexit’, let’s just explain for the avoidance of doubt that the Spanish property market has always been popular with British (and...


Making Best Use Of Your LinkedIn Profile

With more than 500 million users in over 200 countries, LinkedIn is a great tool for building a professional network, getting yourself noticed by recruiters and promoting yourself within your industry.  By CV Knowhow Senior CV Consultant – Jen David You’ll first need to set up your profile. Treat this as you would a CV...