expat network
currency exposure

5 Tips For Managing Your Currency Exposure As An Expat…

Managing exchange rate risk and transferring funds internationally are a part of life for expats and making sure that you do this effectively can make a significant difference to the cost of covering regular expenses and major purchases.  Currency Index, the expert currency consultants, set out their top tips for managing your exchange rate exposure...

retire abroad

Five Financial Things To Consider If You Plan To Retire Abroad

When retirement is around the corner US citizens may want to consider is whether you want to retire in the U.S or abroad.   Here Rick Pendykoski of Self Directed Retirement Plans sets out the financial considerations you need to make before moving abroad. Written exclusively for Expat Network by Rick Pendykoski of Self Directed Retirement...

moving to spain

Top Five Things You Need To Know When Moving To Spain

With its incredible natural scenery, energetic yet historic cities and vibrant culture and architecture, Spain may just be an expat’s dream country for an international move. Whether you’re teaching English on a gap year or relocating with your company, Spain is a wonderful country for newly minted expats or seasoned international travelers. Here to make...

home abroad

Five Ways to Settle into Your Home Abroad

Moving abroad is an exciting opportunity and the first few weeks can be very important as you settle into a very different lifestyle.  Here are five tips to help you to settle in and ensure the long-term success of your move abroad. Written for Expat Network by British Corner Shop The time has come...

expats living abroad

Five Questions To Ask About Health Insurance For Expats Living Abroad

Health insurance is an important option for expats and there are many providers offering different options.  Pacific Prime are insurance brokers and provide professional advice to expats.  They set out five questions to ask before deciding on an expatriate policy to ensure the policy meets your needs. Written exclusively for Expat Network by Pacific Prime ...

parent abroad

Five Tips For Becoming A Parent Abroad

Tom Wilkinson of Axa Global Healthcare has been thinking about his own experience of becoming a parent while living abroad. He says it’s an exciting but nerve-wracking time, and when you’re living somewhere new, there can be many unknowns which need navigating before the big day. Written for Expat Network by Tom Wilkinson, CEO, AXA...


Five Ways Expats Can Integrate Themselves In A New Country

There are many challenges when moving to another country.  Kevin Melton of AXA – Global Healthcare offers some practical advice on how to adapt to life abroad, rather than being overwhelmed Written for Expat Network by Kevin Melton, Sales and Marketing Director, AXA – Global Healthcare Moving to a new location can be as...


Top 5 Secrets To Learning Any Language Faster

When moving to a new country there are many challenges.  Learning a new language has many challenges and many advantages.  Fluency Corp give their top tips to help you to learn a new language. Written exclusively for Expat Network by Fluency Corp Speaking the local language makes every aspect of adjusting to life in...

villages portugal

Five Pretty Villages In Portugal

Monsanto. A small, fortified village previously named the ‘most Portuguese village in Portugal’. Houses and streets in Monsanto are packed tightly and carved from the cliffs and boulders that surround the town. The castle overlooking Monsanto provides an excellent panorama of the plains and nearby mountains of the Serra de Estrela. Monsaraz. This village still...

Learn Which Credit Cards Are Best To Use Abroad

Not all credit cards are equal when it comes to overseas usage. Read the guide here…