A Guide To Record-Keeping And Expenses For The Self-Employed
If you’re new to self-employment, record-keeping might sound like hard work – even for those who have been filing for years it can be daunting. While that may be true, it does come with its own reward – namely, that sole traders can claim back allowable expenses and pay less tax on their earnings. Written...
Five Tips When Having A Baby Abroad
Having a baby is one of the most life-changing experiences a person can go through. It’s an exciting but nerve-wracking time, and when you’re living somewhere new, there can be many unknowns which need navigating before the big day – from maternity leave timescales to hospital stays. Written exclusively for Expat Network by Andy Edwards,...
Why Expat Tenants Need Home Insurance
Even before you moved to Hong Kong, you may have heard about the highly unaffordable rent in the city, which always ranks top among the world’s most expensive housing markets. This perennial problem has become so extreme that a resident needs to spend 19.4 years without any other expenditure in order to be able to...
Travel Insurance
International health insurance and travel insurance have some similarities in the sense that they both usually cover you for medical expenses abroad. However, there are also some important differences between the two. Travel insurance policies typically cover medical treatment if you fall ill abroad or have an accident while travelling. They usually will not cover...