expat network
screen time

3 In 4 Agree Restricting Screen Time At Work Would Benefit Their Wellbeing

With more employees currently working from home due to the Covid-19 pandemic, workers are now more reliant on technology than ever before according to a recent report. The report explores how the use of technology was impacting employee well-being before the pandemic began and reveals how we can make adjustments to our relationship with digital...

Number Of Expat Workers Over One Million By 2021

The global trend for international mobility looks set to continue as smaller and medium-sized multinationals, in particular, drive growth and encourage greater movement of employees around the world. This is a key finding from a study by Finaccord, which reveals that the number of multinationals worldwide is on course to reach 13,900 by 2021 while...

Expats: Does Contract Provide Kidnap Cover?

As employers send more staff abroad they need to be aware that kidnap and ransom can occur in any region, according to the Health Insurance Group. It says that employers underestimate this risk and need to do more to protect their employees. Approximately 40,000 kidnappings occur every year and over 40% of these are of...

New Zealand Desperate For IT Specialists

It has recently been announced in New Zealand that migration is the only way to bridge the current skills gap for IT companies.  The IT industry in New Zealand is growing rapidly, generating an estimated 3,000 new jobs each year. These roles aren’t being filled by existing training initiatives, even though there are more IT...

Expats’ Love-Affair With China Over?

According to a study by UniGroup Relocation, a global moving company, reported in Global Times, twice as many expats have recently moved out of China than into the country. The study said that reasons for the outflow included expiring work contracts, rising costs of living, air pollution and companies cutting labour costs in the wake...

Dubai Trains Expats On Law And Rights

An institute designed to educate expat employees in the emirate of the country’s laws and informing them of their rights and duties was launched recently, reports Gulf News. The Workforce Training Institute is currently in its preliminary stage of training Dubai’s blue collar workers, but by 2018, it is set to train expat employees across...

UAE: Workers Must Vacate Within 30 Days

The UAE Ministry of Human Resources and Emiratisation has told employees living in accommodation provided by their employers to vacate it within 30 days after their service is finished, according to reports in Emirates 24|7. An HR executive with a leading UAE company, however, told Emirates 24|7 that employees can be given grace period...

China Builds Foreign Talent Database

China is to build a database of overseas talent as part of a digital platform to match foreign experts with potential employers, a senior official has said.China Daily reports that the platform, the first project of its kind in the country, will include all legally employed foreign workers’ nationalities, areas of expertise and industry, their...