expat network
tax for uk expats

Self-Assessment Made Easy Using SimpleTax

HMRC-recognised SimpleTax has been developed for you and not accountants, calculating and submitting your return direct to HMRC. As it is cloud-based, SimpleTax is perfect for expats, guiding you through your return without all the tax jargon, prompting you to claim the allowances you are entitled to. This article was written exclusively for Expat Network...

Sponsored: 10% Discount On Wide Range Of Insurance

Silversurfers.com has the largest community of over 50s in the UK and that’s why they are able to offer a special discount to Expat Network members. So whether you’re over 50 or not, this might be right for your parents, aunts, uncles, granny or grandad. Take a moment to check out the Silversurfers insurance...