expat network
mental health

Mental Health Concerns Of Those Working From Home – New Survey

Mental health is getting more attention these days and with more people working from home the impact on mental health is a concern.  Aetna International have carried out a survey to establish which health issues workers are most concerned about. The survey examines the perceptions of both employers and employees when it comes to corporate...

retirement abroad

Motivations And Concerns When Planning Retirement Abroad

Expat Network has carried out a survey into the plans of those considering retiring abroad as well as the experiences of those who have already retired abroad.  What are the main motivations for their decision to retire abroad, how are they financing it and what do they plan to do about property? One in three...

health insurance

Top Tips For Arranging Expat Health Insurance

One of the biggest concerns that many expats have when moving overseas relates to healthcare insurance and the quality and availability of medical provisions in their host country. While the healthcare available in the west is generally well developed and up to a high standard, this may not necessarily be the case in locations overseas and the...

local healthcare

Three-Quarters Of Expat Men Worried About Local Healthcare

In recognition of Men’s Health Week, new research reveals that the majority of men living abroad are concerned about their local healthcare facilities, with two-thirds prepared to return to their home country for treatment. Four-in-five (84%) male expats have needed to access healthcare since moving abroad, according to new research by AXA – Global Healthcare....

coming home

Why Do Expats Fear Coming Home?

Living the expat dream is a lifestyle choice that many people would seize if they had the opportunity. The chance to experience different cultures, climates and lifestyles is a prospect too exciting to ignore, and with international travel and trade opening up employment opportunities across the globe, the global expat population is estimated to rise...

Mental Health Growing Issue For Expats

Mental health is a growing issue for expat workers and their employers, as well as those relocating independently, according to a research study. To ensure expats have the support they need when relocating or working away from their home country, health benefits provider Aetna International is calling for businesses and individuals to take more pre-emptive...

Contractor Openings Rise In Emerging Energy Markets

Despite a slowdown in some of the major global economies and growing concerns over rapidly falling oil prices, there are a number of nations whose energy markets continue to thrive. According to contracting services specialists CXC Global, Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan and Mozambique are three examples of countries where demand for specialists in the oil and gas...