expat network
British Expats may need to reinvest

British Expats May Need To Reinvest To Gain EU Residence Visas

British expats may need to reinvest their assets in order to meet EU residency visa requirements and establish permanent homes in EU countries. Applicants must show that they and their dependents have incomes sufficient to prevent them becoming a burden on the state. What constitutes both ‘income’  and ‘sufficient income’ varies from one country to...

personal finance france

Personal Finance Issues For Expats In France

France has a reputation as a high tax jurisdiction and while President Hollande was in power, some wealthy French nationals chose to move to the UK and Portugal, enticed by their fiscal sweeteners. But France can be a tax efficient place to live for retirees, providing you understand the tax implications of your specific situation...

Where Am I Resident For Tax Purposes?

What is my tax status? I have been an expat since 1982 in the Falklands then the Philippines, apart from one year back in the UK in 1989. I believe I am not resident of the Philippines but a ‘tourist’. The Falklands is paying me a pension and the RAF is about to.  Jason Porter,...

pension transfer tax

UK Expats: Beware The Pension Transfer Tax

The overseas pension transfer tax can see the UK taxman take a quarter of expats’ transferred funds. Those thinking of moving UK pensions need to know the new rules. One of the few surprise announcements in the UK 2017 Spring Budget was the ‘Overseas Transfer Charge’ – an immediate tax on certain transfers to offshore...