expat network
skilled migration

Sponsoring Highly Skilled Migrants Under The Global Talent Program

With Australia’s international travel restrictions, it is becoming more important for employers to be aware of all visa options available in the migration program for professionals.   Interstaff will be exploring these opportunities in their email series on ‘Migration in the COVID-19 Era’. Here’s what employers and skilled individuals should know about the Global Talent Program.  Written by Sheila Woods of Interstaff  25 November, 2020 What...

Job Search

Six Steps To Use Social Media In Your Job Search

The world is increasingly turning to social media for its news as well as a way of keeping in touch with friends and family.  In the professional context it is also increasingly important especially on LinkedIn, which can be a great way to build new connections and a potential source of your next job. Networking...

critical work

Critical Work and Compassionate Travel – Migration in the COVID-19 Era

In the Covid environment it seems travel to Australia over the next 12 months will continue to be restricted to people with a valid Travel Exemption. Interstaff set out what employers and visa applicants/holders need to know. Written by Sheila Woods of Interstaff 20 October, 2020   When is it possible to apply for an international Travel Exemption?  At this time, Travel Exemptions are...

New Zealand Visa

Visa Options For New Zealand

If you are considering visiting, working in or moving to New Zealand there are a range of options for visas depending on your citizenship, the purpose of your move and how long you want to spend there. Visitor Visa You can apply for a Visitor Visa if you want to go to New Zealand as...

Expats: Does Contract Provide Kidnap Cover?

As employers send more staff abroad they need to be aware that kidnap and ransom can occur in any region, according to the Health Insurance Group. It says that employers underestimate this risk and need to do more to protect their employees. Approximately 40,000 kidnappings occur every year and over 40% of these are of...

Mental Health Growing Issue For Expats

Mental health is a growing issue for expat workers and their employers, as well as those relocating independently, according to a research study. To ensure expats have the support they need when relocating or working away from their home country, health benefits provider Aetna International is calling for businesses and individuals to take more pre-emptive...

Who Will Succeed As An Expat?

A new report which identifies the personal characteristics of successful expatriates has been published by assessment specialist cut‑e, to help multinational employers choose the right people for international assignments. Do you fit the bill? Called Predicting who will be a successful expatriate, the report follows a research study involving 35 expatriates as well as their...

New Zealand Desperate For IT Specialists

It has recently been announced in New Zealand that migration is the only way to bridge the current skills gap for IT companies.  The IT industry in New Zealand is growing rapidly, generating an estimated 3,000 new jobs each year. These roles aren’t being filled by existing training initiatives, even though there are more IT...

UAE: Workers Must Vacate Within 30 Days

The UAE Ministry of Human Resources and Emiratisation has told employees living in accommodation provided by their employers to vacate it within 30 days after their service is finished, according to reports in Emirates 24|7. An HR executive with a leading UAE company, however, told Emirates 24|7 that employees can be given grace period...

China Builds Foreign Talent Database

China is to build a database of overseas talent as part of a digital platform to match foreign experts with potential employers, a senior official has said.China Daily reports that the platform, the first project of its kind in the country, will include all legally employed foreign workers’ nationalities, areas of expertise and industry, their...

Living and Working in Qatar

For those of you contemplating contracts in the Middle East here is a brief introduction to what you can expect if you are going to work in Qatar Like many other Gulf countries, Qatar is a combination of an ancient past and 21st century technology and architecture. It is a country in transition that has retained...

New UAE Law Means Employers Must Keep To Contract Terms

Changes to UAE employment law means employers cannot change contract terms without the consent of the Ministry of Labour. The new mandatory employment offer letter from UAE companies will help expats understand what exactly awaits them once they land in the Emirates. Quoted in Emirates 24/7, Thenji Macanda, Senior Associate at law firm Taylor...