Expat Landlords – Your Self-Assessment Guide
If you make money from renting out your property to others, HM Revenue and Customs considers you as a landlord, even if you don’t think you are. As such, expat landlords will need to fill in an annual Self-Assessment tax return form (which tells HMRC how much Income Tax you’ll owe on your earnings)...
A Guide To Record-Keeping And Expenses For The Self-Employed
If you’re new to self-employment, record-keeping might sound like hard work – even for those who have been filing for years it can be daunting. While that may be true, it does come with its own reward – namely, that sole traders can claim back allowable expenses and pay less tax on their earnings. Written...
UK Expats: Does The Self-Assessment Tax Return Deadline Affect You?
Each year, countless people leave the UK for foreign shores, chasing a new life or career. Yet this break from Great Britain may not be clean in the eyes of HMRC, who could disagree with your ‘expat’ status. This article was written exclusively for Expat Network by SimpleTax Many non-resident Britons still face obligations when it...
Tax To Be Paid Twice On Overseas Earnings?
I left the UK for India on 5 March 2017 to work on a two-year contract. My salary is paid into an Indian bank account in rupees and I transfer funds back to the UK. I am thinking of returning to the UK early in December 2017, but I fear I may be taxed in...